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Michelle Obama Surprises High School Students in D.C., Talks Struggles and Life Goals for Two Hours

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaking with D.C. students (photo via

article by Perry Stein via
When former first lady Michelle Obama walked into a D.C. high school classroom, the stunned students erupted in tears. One student even darted out of the classroom to regain her composure before she could sit next to her. Obama, who still lives in Washington, made a surprise visit Tuesday to Ballou STAY High School to speak with 14 students for two hours.
Upon arriving, she hugged each of them before taking her seat in the circle. “Once she came in, it was an inspirational feeling,” said Alliyah Williams, 18. “She was so sweet and warm. She was like a mom.”
[Watch Michelle Obama crash these D.C. classrooms and surprise students.]
After visiting the public alternative high school in Southeast Washington, she tweeted “Always love visiting DC schools. Thank you for hosting me today @BallouSTAY. Stories of students #reachinghigher continue to inspire me.” The tweet referenced the White House initiative “Reach Higher” she launched to encourage students to continue their education.
To read more, go to: Michelle Obama surprises D.C. students, talks struggles and life goals for two hours – The Washington Post

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  1. robinmagee robinmagee March 6, 2017

    Such an amazing person. She continues to serve children and our nation. Here is someone who doesn’t give up. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. sepultura13 sepultura13 March 6, 2017

    Reblogged this on Random Ramblings; Myriad Musings and commented:
    This. Right here. An honest, genuine lady! She continues to impress, inspire, and educate. We could certainly use more role models of her caliber!

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