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GBNlogo3Good Black News was founded on March 18, 2010 via Facebook (see the detailed story in our About The Editors sidebar) and is currently expanding to have a larger web presence. You can find us here at, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TumblrPinterest,  Linked In, YouTube and Flipboard. GBN is a labor of love, and our Founder/Editor-In-Chief (Lori Lakin Hutcherson) and staff are all unpaid volunteers. We believe in bringing you positive news and stories of interest about black people all over the world, and truly hope you will help spread the word so we can build and grow our vision together.

Onward and upward,

The Good Black News Team

P.S. If you would like to be on our official contact list for any future giveaways, announcements or updates, please sign up by clicking here.


  1. lloyd garver lloyd garver August 12, 2013

    Just wondering if you consider Dennis Rodman’s trip to North Korea good news to plea for world peace good news or not. I feel it was amazing news. Keep up the good work.


  2. Clarence Miller Clarence Miller July 7, 2016

    Keep it up family! Your work is appreciated

  3. Lilly Grande Lilly Grande July 18, 2016

    Thank you so much for sharing this. You’ve inspired me to learn more and be a better person!

    • goodblacknews goodblacknews Post author | May 3, 2018

      You are so welcome! We appreciate your support!

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