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Fifth Grader Samuel Love Holds Toy Drive for Children Going Through Tough Times

Samuel Love (WGNTV)
Samuel Love (WGNTV)

Fifth-grader Samuel Love is holding his third annual Christmas toy drive for children experiencing tough times. The 11-year old began the drive two years ago in response to Hurricane Sandy.
In 2013, Love managed to collect 1,500 toys and gift cards for children in need. He is aiming to far surpass that this year, however, with a goal of collecting 2,500 toys and gift cards.
In a speech announcing the drive, Love says, “As some of you may know, two years ago, I decided that I didn’t want anything for Christmas because I saw on TV the devastation that happened in New York with Hurricane Sandy. I thought about the kids that lived there and how they had just lost everything. So instead of receiving toys, I wanted to give toys to the kids who really needed them.”
Those in the Chicago area can donate toys and gift cards to Love’s toy drive by dropping donations off in the Studio Movie Grill Chatham Theater at 210 West 87th Street.
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