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Posts tagged as “charity”

Colin Kaepernick Pledges $25K Toward Efforts to Keep DACA

Pro Football QB and Activist Colin Kaepernick (photo via

Colin Kaepernick has pledged $25,000 toward aid for immigrant youth and efforts to keep the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in place. The news comes in the wake of Donald Trump’s announced end of DACA, leaving the fate of some 800,000 young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children up to Congress.
Kaepernick, who remains a free agent for the NFL, has been at the center of political controversy since his decision to take a knee last year during the National Anthem in protest of racism and police brutality. Additionally the former quarterback had pledged to donate $1 million toward efforts to help communities affected by systemic racism, social injustice and police brutality.
Kaepernick announced that a quarter of the $100,000 he donates to that end each month (for 10 months) will go toward children of immigrant backgrounds who are being affected by Trump’s planned repeal of DACA. In partnership with United We Dream – the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the U.S. – he will contribute a percentage of the amount to the following areas:
• Addressing the inequities and obstacles faced by immigrant youth. Over 100,000 members. Current focus: Organize and work for immigrant children to keep DACA in force.
• $10,000 for upcoming travel. Air, hotel, lodging, and ground transportation. United We Dream recently held event in Washington DC and sent 300 dreamers to lobby to keep DACA. This budget will pay for 75-100 attendees for a similar rally upcoming.
• $10,000 for series of upcoming local gatherings in NY, CT, TX, FL, NM. Facilities rent and security, transportation, food, technology
• $5,000 for text service for the network of over 100,000 members.
Source: Colin Kaepernick Pledges $25K Toward Efforts to Keep DACA | EURweb

San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick Donates Shoe Collection to Bay Area Homeless Shelters

49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick (photo via

article via
Colin Kaepernick is known for three things. His abilities as an NFL quarterback, his activism and his massive shoe collection. Now, he is taking steps to give back in a new way, by donating most of his shoe collection to Bay Area homeless shelters.
And Kaepernick didn’t just donate hundreds of pairs of shoes, he also donated clothing and books to both shelters and orphanages at the end of the last football season. Who says giving has to end when the holiday season does?
Source: Colin Kaepernick donates shoe collection to Bay Area homeless shelters | theGrio

Jack and Jill of America's Youth Turn Loose Change into $35,000 Donation to Support Barack Obama Presidential Library 

Jack and Jill of America Youth Prior To Presenting $35,000 Donation to the Obama Foundation (Photo courtesy of Jack and Jill of America)

article by Lori Lakin Hutcherson (@lakinhutcherson)

 Jack and Jill of America, Inc.’s youngest members collected pennies, nickels and dimes as part of their Loose Change Program that resulted in a $35,000 donation to the Obama Foundation, in support of Chicago’s Barack Obama Presidential Library. Mothers and families of Jack and Jill of America in Chicago came together to present the foundation with the donation in a private celebration.

“The Mid Western Region was incredibly honored to present this donation that not only honors the first African-American US President, Barack Obama, but makes an impact in a community that needs positive reinforcements and contributions,” says Mid-Western Regional Director Nadine Gibson. “As advocates for childhood literacy, Jack and Jill understands the important role public libraries play in communities.”

The Loose Change program was initiated as a giving opportunity for our youth ages two through 12, to make a significant impact in underserved communities.  The Mid-Western Region received the donation collected in 2015 and selected the Barack Foundation as the recipient of choice. 

“We are excited about this giving opportunity.  Now, each time we visit the Library we will know that Jack and Jill helped to make a positive contribution to its development and commitment to the community,” says Mid-Western Regional Teen President, Kellen Love.

For more information on how you can make a donation, or to find out more about Jack and Jill of America and its chapters, visit

Drake & Rihanna Visit Make-A-Wish Foundation Cancer Patient in Miami

Drake & Rihanna Visit Make-A-Wish Foundation Cancer Patient Together
Drake and Rihanna (photo via
“BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!,” Megan’s Instagram video of herself and Drake captioned. “I MET THE LOML (Love of my life). He was so sweet & down to earth. Gave me and my family some OVO clothing. BEST DAY EVER. NO LIE. @champagnepapi LOVE YOU!”

Social media posts document Drake and Rihanna sharing the moment with Megan at the hospital. Instagram pictures and a Snapchat video show the 6 God hanging out with her as well.
“This is the best snapchat I’ve ever done before,” the Views from the 6 rapper says in the Snapchat video with Megan.  Drizzy performed “Work” with the Bajan singer at Miami’s American Airlines arena that evening.

“Work” has spent four weeks at the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts.  The ANTIsinger is the only artist with #1 Hot 100 singles from seven consecutive studio albums and the third artist with the most #1 singles, totaling 14, surpassing Michael Jackson’s record of 13.

Drizzy’s forthcoming album Views from the 6 is scheduled to be released April 16.

To see more social media posts of Drake and Rihanna’s Make-A-Wish Foundation visit with Megan, go to:

Idris Elba Joins Cast Of "Star Trek Beyond" and Charity Initiative (VIDEO)

In the video above, Idris Elba joins “Star Trek” cast members Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, and John Cho telling viewers to support the cast’s charity initiative at for a chance to win a walk-on role in the next movie by entering with a donation of 10$ that will go to support one of nine global philanthropic organizations.

(Photo courtesy
(Photo courtesy

Elba pops up toward the end of the video and adds a little fun flavor with some unexpected dance moves.
There still isn’t any specific information about his role in the film, but it’s Idris Elba, so it should be good. Star Trek Beyond is set for release on July 8, 2016.
article by Lori Lakin Hutcherson (follow @lakinhutcherson)

NFL's Andre Johnson Spends Over $16K on Toys for Children for 8th Year in A Row

Andre Johnson
Andre Johnson (Twitter)

Houston Texan wide receiver Andre Johnson spent over $16,000 on toys for children in need.  The Andre Johnson Foundation hosted its annual event for 11 kids in Texas’ Child Protective Services at a local Toys ‘R’ Us.

Every child who participated received a bike and a gaming system, as well as all the toys they could grab in 80 seconds.

This year was the 8th annual event. You can check out the 2013 event here.
article by Carrie Healey via

Fifth Grader Samuel Love Holds Toy Drive for Children Going Through Tough Times

Samuel Love (WGNTV)
Samuel Love (WGNTV)

Fifth-grader Samuel Love is holding his third annual Christmas toy drive for children experiencing tough times. The 11-year old began the drive two years ago in response to Hurricane Sandy.
In 2013, Love managed to collect 1,500 toys and gift cards for children in need. He is aiming to far surpass that this year, however, with a goal of collecting 2,500 toys and gift cards.
In a speech announcing the drive, Love says, “As some of you may know, two years ago, I decided that I didn’t want anything for Christmas because I saw on TV the devastation that happened in New York with Hurricane Sandy. I thought about the kids that lived there and how they had just lost everything. So instead of receiving toys, I wanted to give toys to the kids who really needed them.”
Those in the Chicago area can donate toys and gift cards to Love’s toy drive by dropping donations off in the Studio Movie Grill Chatham Theater at 210 West 87th Street.
article via

PARENTING: Five Ways to Teach Your Kids About Giving Back

Black Family

It’s not uncommon to see a child stop when they see another child crying and ask “why is he crying” and even go as far as to offer a toy or hug to help. Or for my own kids to offer to feed me if I say I’m hungry or for them to say “mommy are you okay?” if I stumble, get hurt or have an accident.

Children are inherently full of love and enjoy helping those around them, but if we also want our kids to become caring, compassionate and charitable adults, then we have to teach it to them.  We have to teach them that caring about others is good and that it’s good to help those in need.
From hunger, to homelessness, to cancer research, the world is in desperate need of charitable people. But teaching your child to give to others is not only good for the world, it’s also good for your child. In research recently published by Harvard Business School, giving to others promotes happiness, enhances your sense of purpose and increases your satisfaction with life.
So teaching your child to be charitable is good all the way around – for the world and for your child.
Five simple ways to teach your child about charity today:
1. Start a “giving bank.” A “giving” bank is a piggy bank that the whole family contributes to and when the bank is full, the money is donated to a specific charity. Doing this makes giving a family activity and makes it more fun for your child. It’s also a great way for parents to model giving to their children and for you to practice what you preach.
2. Choose a different charity every year and encourage your child to learn about it. From the flood victims of Kashmir, to families in our own communities who need clothes and furniture for their kids, there are many different people in this world who need help. By focusing your giving on a different group every year, you’re providing your child with a wonderful educational opportunity to learn about the many different causes and struggles worldwide. Choosing different people annually will also show your child that everyone with a need is equally deserving of our compassion.
3. Make giving a holiday tradition. Have your child pick out a toy and donate it to child in need this Christmas holiday. There’s no better way to make the act of giving more emotionally satisfying than to put a smile on a child’s face. It might help you to start a new holiday tradition.
4. Give through your child’s school. From food drives to clothing drives, take advantage of any charity events run by your child’s school. Getting involved through your child’s school will enhance your child’s sense of community at his or her school while teaching them about the value of helping others. If your child’s school doesn’t do charity programs, take the initiative and have your child start one.
5. Make birthdays a time for receiving and giving.  Encourage your child to give away old toys that are in good condition every birthday when your child receives new toys. It will help families in need, teach your child about giving and help you to de-clutter. So it’s a win-win for everyone. To help you get started. There are many organizations that will accept your toy donations. Some of them include Room to Grow for New York residents, Goodwill, Toys for Tots and Second Chance Toys. You can also contact local family shelters in your area and ask them if they need donations. So get to it. Happy teaching and happy giving.
article by Notoya Green via

Black Philanthropy Month 2013: How to Participate and Help Others This August

“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.”  -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In recent weeks, marches and rallies, town hall meetings and more have united people from all races to address inequities in the judicial system,change perceptions of black men and boys and address questions concerning why race remains a strong determinant in Americans’ pursuit of happiness.  This moment, which has involved calls for a boycott of Florida, in addition todemonstrations in dozens of cities, takes on even greater importance with the approach of the fiftieth anniversary of the historic March on Washington and Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech” this August.
The convergence of these events and concerns for our nation’s future call for reflection on the state of the “dream” a half-century later, and urge action among citizens to tackle the most pressing challenges of the twenty-first century: mass incarceration, failures in education, and more.
How can we channel our collective energy and resources to transform our communities? Throughout August and beyond, you can help by contributing time, talent and treasure in observance of Black Philanthropy Month 2013.
Participate in Black Philanthropy Month 2013
Four leaders in the movement to advance black philanthropy, African Women’s Development Fund USA (, (, Community Investment Network ( and the Giving Back Project ( are launching Black Philanthropy Month 2013 (BPM 2013) on August 1 to bring together these threads of need to be met with productive purpose.
The BPM 2013 launch in August will kick off concerted efforts that will continue through a subsequent six-month multimedia campaign to foster civic engagement around philanthropy, amplify authentic stories of black philanthropy, cultivate the next generation of givers and expand opportunities for people of African descent to give through new and traditional channels, including giving circles, global giving, crowd funding, volunteerism and more.
Valaida Fullwood, strategist for the Giving Back Project and author of the award-winning book Giving Back:  A Tribute to Generations of African American Philanthropists, shared her thoughts on the aftermath of the watershed events in 1963 that many will be commemorating this August. She also urges us to remember that, although much has changed, much is still needed to help others reach for the dreams and mountaintops King spoke of during that era.

WNBA All-Stars Team Up For Fit Clinic

WNBA All-Star Ivory Latta does push-ups with kids from New London Parks and Recreation during a WNBA Fit Clinic at BDJMS in New London, CT on Friday July 26, 2013. (Credit: Carrie Healey)
WNBA All-Star Ivory Latta does push-ups with kids from New London Parks and Recreation during a WNBA Fit Clinic at BDJMS in New London, CT on Friday July 26, 2013. (Credit: Carrie Healey)

WNBA All-Star players teamed up with R&B singer Trevor Jackson and Miss USA Erin Brady to help dedicate a newly refurbished basketball court and conduct a fitness clinic for elementary students on Friday at Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School (BDJMS) in New London, CT.  The middle school court was recently refurbished by Bona, the official hardwood floor care partner of the WNBA.  Bona and Jamba Juice, a WNBA FIT partner, helped conduct the fitness clinic that included 75 boys and girls from New London Parks & Recreation.
Maya Moore, Tina Charles, Ivory Latta, Allison Hightower and Lindsay Whalen were among the all-stars who helped put on the Fit Clinic for young students. The players lead different stations and drills for the children, including working on lay-ups, shooting and even jumping rope. “There are a lot of elementary school kids here getting the chance to participate in different activities,” Minnesota Lynx player Maya Moore told theGrio. “It’s all to encourage them to enjoy a healthy, fit, active lifestyle, and just to have fun.”
“I’m glad I continue to make them proud,” the former University of Connecticut star said about her college fans. “Being back in Connecticut is always great.”  Moore said she enjoys giving back and being “a good role model for the kids here.”
“It’s nice to be out here today, give back to the community and the kids,” Connecticut Sun guard Allison Hightower said. “It’s very important because if you’re not active now, you won’t be active when you’re older.”
“We’re trying to get [the children] active, show them the different things they can do at home or at school,” Tina Charles (Connecticut Sun) said.