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Magic Johnson’s ASPiRE TV Network To Debut Original Series

The Root 100, an original series for Magic Johnson’s ASPiRE network, is a weekly show that will highlight the most influential black leaders under 45, selected by online news outlet, The Root. These honorees featured on the program appeared on this year’s Root 100 list. They include MSNBC journalist Melissa Harris-Perry, actress Gabrielle Union, NAACP president Benjamin Jealous, Sundance award-winning filmmaker Ava DuVernay, and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, among others. Journalist and Anchor Suzanne Malveaux hosts the new show, which will premier December 5.

There will be eight episodes in the series. Each one-hour episode focuses on three honorees discussing intimate moments, turning points in their lives, and their aspirations to affect change.

“THE ROOT 100 presents a fascinating look at two dozen diverse and extraordinary African-Americans, who are using their voices and platforms to fundamentally change our community and our world for the better,” said ASPiRE General Manager Paul Butler in a press release.

ASPiRE is a television network targeted to African-Americans and offers a programming mix of movies, series and specials featuring music, comedy, drama, faith/inspiration, theater/performing arts, lifestyle and news/information. The network was launched June 27, 2012 by Magic Johnson Enterprises.



  1. Josh Josh January 9, 2013

    The Root 100 is a great addition to the network. They need it because the rest of the stuff is old, very old and boring. Stuff you have to be like 40 or 50 to like.

    • Geeky Black Guy Geeky Black Guy January 13, 2013

      I’m right with you on that. The Root 100 looks like a good show. But, I can’t continue to support the channel with just 6 shows a day and they just keep showing them over and over again. I was really pushing Aspire in the summer even with having to watch Flip Wilson and old Bill Cosby on two bad shows. But now I tune back in and I see the same shows and the same lame line up. It’s nuts, who is picking these shows. Somebody needs to wake Magic up.

  2. Serethia Serethia January 15, 2013

    There are some haters out there, but poor quality TV is poor TV and with the same old programs Aspire is not what was promised. For the exception of Root 100 (a very good show) the rest is forgettable. The channel is positive, but it is not new, creative or interesting.

  3. larry harvey larry harvey February 14, 2013

    Aspire is an extreme disappointment.Adding insult to injury it is lumped in with the premium channels. Magic should check out the new BOUNCE network on basic cable. That’s how it’s done son. And I am not hating,just telling the truth.

    • AS AS February 25, 2013

      Hey man you are right on. This is just someone putting whatever they can find on tv. They are flying so far under the radar that no one even knows about them. The lineup is terrible, put together by what looks like amateurs. Not something to be proud of. And, yes Bounce who i read has an expert from one of the Turner networks running programming is so much better. Magic is sure to have gone el cheapo an has some inexperienced people trying to figure it out.

  4. G Pendleton G Pendleton June 14, 2013

    These “networks” are all backed by white money ,no matter who the front people are. They insult and dumb down black people. They give you ten minutes of some fifty-sixty year old bad movie followed by fifteen to twenty (yes I’ve counted them) adds selling a bunch of junk.Don’t we have enough of this? There’s notthing wrong with making money, believe me I’m all for it. Why can’t you make a little less money and do something you can be proud of. It is possible!!!

    • goodblacknews goodblacknews June 20, 2013

      Thank you for your take on the matter, G Pendleton. Building networks is no easy task and GBN certainly hopes the ones focussed on African Americans continue to grow and improve. Give them time and support and they may surprise us!

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