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Posts tagged as “plus size”

5th Grader Egypt Ufele Starts Clothing Line After Being Bullied About Weight

Egypt Ufele (photo via

article via
A 10-year-old girl from Queens, NY was constantly being bullied about her weight, and decided to put her sewing machine to work and designed a plus-size clothing line that debuted at New York Fashion Week.
Egypt Ufele, Ify for short, says she was inspired to start designing clothes after she was bullied at school. Ify told the Today Show that she wanted to turn the “negative attention into positive attention,” by embracing her style and creativity to start her own fashion line for people of all shapes and sizes.
Ify’s Instagram account is aptly called bullychasers, and she named her line “Chubiiline” to not only embrace herself, but also to make the world realize, chubby isn’t negative. To see video of Ufele and her story, click here:
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Yoga Teacher Dianne Bondy Works it All the Way Out in Penningtons' "Who Says Plus Size Women Can't?" Campaign (VIDEO)

Yoga Teacher Dianne Bondy (photo via black
Yoga Teacher Dianne Bondy (photo via black

Not only do some people believe plus size women shouldn’t do yoga, but also that plus size women are physically unable to do yoga, simply because of their size. It should go without saying that’s completely untrue, but sometimes people won’t believe it until they see it. In less than 60 seconds, acclaimed yogi Dianne Bondy sets the record straight in a new video created by The Penningtons Blog.
The video is a beautiful work of inspiration and encouragement for plus size women who’ve been shamed from practicing yoga, never daring to step foot in a class because of what others might say or because of that quiet but ever-present critical voice in their head that believes maybe yoga isn’t for them.
When Bondy posted the video to her Facebook page she wrote:

There was a time that I would have mortified to see my big body on film. I would criticize my weight, my size, my arms just everything! Today I am all about radical self- love. RADICAL SELF-ACCEPTANCE. I will no longer apologize for my body, for my size and for who I am. I stand in my power! I AM ENOUGH! I AM GOOD ENOUGH! Let’s stand up together! We are WORTHY

The video is part of Pennington’s new #iwontcompromise movement “that celebrates doing what we love, wearing what makes us feel good, and being who we are without compromise. No limits, no fears, no judgments, just pure enjoyment,” the website explains.
Whether you’re into yoga or not, complete self-acceptance is something we ALL should get into. Check out the video above and be inspired.
article by M. Brooks via

THE GOODS: So Good for Her – Target Plus Size Finds – GBN

Lesa Lakin
Lesa Lakin

I’m not one of those types of people who can stay in Target for hours combing through everything. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Target, but shopping there for me is always purposeful. I go early when nobody is there. Pass on the crowds, the parking hustle… “in and out” is my motto. But on the rare occasion when my daughter is home and suggests going to Target, I suck it up and go for the “bonding” time. But it’s usually only ten minutes before she wants to stay and I want to leave.
The other day we ventured out and I’ve got to say, she was relatively quick. She’d only tried to stick a few extra things in my basket (deodorant, razors, toothpaste, a random pair of Little Mermaid pajamas)… okay you’re a college kid… my treat. But then we chose to separate. I went to the travel section and she to electronics. I grabbed my travel accessories in two seconds and she was NOT in the electronics section when I went to find her. The frantic, ignored “Where are you?” texts started poppin’.
Okay, okay, I know… I was with one of those professional Target shoppers and I let her loose. Who can blame her… they’ve got everything. But come on, she has to scour every little inch of the store until I pop and give her the old, ”I’m getting in line and leaving in five minutes with or without you!”? Really? Every time? But this time, I actually got a little sidetracked when I saw a flash of leopard out of the corner of my eye. It called me.

I knew whatever I was seeing was going to be perfect for my mother, the collector of leopard apparel. Eureka! It was a robe… who doesn’t need a leopard robe? (I imagined her saying that after opening her present). And I was thrilled to see that it was in plus size… in fact, I had ventured into the plus-size section and was LOVING what I was seeing. Jackpot! Not only had I nailed the perfect gift for my mother… the robe also came in sizes XS – 3X! I had flashes of being in it on a cold morning with a cup of whatever doing whatever. Thanks for covering all bases, Target. I needed the robe, too. It was somehow chic and I had to have it.

By the time my daughter found me, I had the robe over my clothes looking completely nuts, admiring myself in a column that wasn’t exactly a mirror. But that’s the beauty of Target – nobody really questions or cares. We are all on our individual adventures. I guess it was my turn to be dragged out of Target… but not before seeing some great plus-size finds (and giving my daughter a lecture about driving herself next time)…

Women's Plus Size Cozy Robe - Gilligan & O'Malley®

WOMEN’S PLUS SIZE COZY ROBE – Gilligan & O’Malley® $27.99

I have a running dialogue with my brother-in-law about women and their animal prints… yeah, we like them… what? This robe is screaming my name. LOVE it! Want it! #leopard 21552899

Plus Size Long Sleeve Knit Top - Lily Star


This lightweight sweater is a cool find that makes for a nice, reasonably-priced gift. 46783683#prodSlot=large_6_26&term=plus+size+women
Women's Plus Size Flannel Pajama Set - Nick & Nora®


Every year, I ask for a new pair of pajamas and I make it super easy. “Please get me Nick & Nora p.j.’s from Target.” But without fail, I amend my list because I really don’t like being cold and I get my own way before Christmas rolls around. Great buy and they last a long time. They come in sizes XS – 3X. Highly recommend. Great gift.

Women's Plus Size Faux Leather Sweater Jacket - U-Knit


It’s still in! Faux fur. This vest gives a special touch with leather accents.
#GBN #giftideas #PlusSize #Target