After making history as the first female artist to have 100 hits on Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs charts, Aretha Franklin blazes yet another trail as the first recipient of Billboard Women in Music’s Icon Award.
Franklin’s latest achievement was announced by Billboard, which gives the award to a female artist whose music has helped shape the industry. Although Jennifer Lopez received an Icon Award last year at the Billboard Music Awards, Franklin’s honor marks the first time the award has been at Billboard’s annual Women in Music awards luncheon.
The event, which will also honor Ariana Grande for Rising Star and Idina Menzel for Breakthrough Artist of the Year, will take place Dec. 12.
The Billboard Women in Music awards recognize female music executives for helping to make a difference in the music industry.
article by Qwest7 via
Caddying while practicing his skills, Jim Crow laws prevented Sifford from advancing beyond gopher status. His determination to make golf dreams come true garnered death threats even after the PGA banned its Whites only clause. Today, Sifford boasts a Honorary Doctor of Law Degree by the University of St. Andrews given to him in 2006. And he is the third golf pro to receive the Medal of Freedom after Arnold Palmer in 2004 and Jack Nicklaus in 2005. Sifford was voted in by a panel of sporting who’s who including congressional politicians and athletes like Tiger Woods, Alonzo Mourning, Bill Russell and Jim Brown.
“The PGA of America joins our friends throughout sports today in paying tribute to Dr. Charles Sifford upon receiving this prestigious honor,” said PGA of America Interim President Derek Sprague. “The hard-fought efforts and perseverance of Dr. Sifford continue to inspire our industry to evolve and elevate all efforts in diversity and inclusion. We must be mindful and proactive in creating meaningful opportunities for everyone to participate in this great sport.”
article by Raqiyah Mays via