article via thegrio.com
Colin Kaepernick is known for three things. His abilities as an NFL quarterback, his activism and his massive shoe collection. Now, he is taking steps to give back in a new way, by donating most of his shoe collection to Bay Area homeless shelters.
And Kaepernick didn’t just donate hundreds of pairs of shoes, he also donated clothing and books to both shelters and orphanages at the end of the last football season. Who says giving has to end when the holiday season does?
Source: Colin Kaepernick donates shoe collection to Bay Area homeless shelters | theGrio
Well before I had grasped football basics ( it involves two teams and a huge striped field) I had become a big Colin Kaepernick fan. Although he doesn’t know it, Mr Kaepernick is actually single-handedly responsible for my interest in football,
All those downs tend to make me sleepy, though: is this the fourth down or the 38th – and do they hae top and bottoms like baseball innings do? I’ve been watching football for a week and I still don ‘t know.
Then there are a few players who do nothing.at all – well, every once in a while they walk onto the field and kick the ball. That’s it but everybody stops the game and lines up to encourage them.. Sometimes it takes all day for the ball to make its way down the field, so the umpires – sorry – help out by carrying the ball part way. I guess they’re paid by the inch, because it seems like that ball gets measured six or seven times before it’s allowed back on the field.
I do love the elegance of the player’s hair, as well as the intensity of their focus and the – simultenaity? of their awareness. Also, you don’t realize how graceful they are until they stop on a dime and arch themselves around and up at the same time. Football is no game for fools. You’re thinking of golf.
I started watching football because Mr. Kaepernick approaches his public life in a manner that never fails to captivate my political interest, fill me with respect, and give my heart hope. He stays true to himself and he honors community. But revolution is not a far away dream for Mr. K, nor is it history’s song.
Anyway, I figured that if football interests him this much, it might be pretty interesting.
So far?: Well, I’d say that football’s really beginning to grow on me. Maybe it’s growing a little on the slow side, but I’ll give it a bit more time.
You never know. Like, last week I dozed off, and woke up suddenly in the middle of the 12th down – just in time to see Hail Mary complete a touchdown.
That was cool.
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Yet another reason why I have much respect for this fine gentleman…Colin, you rock!
Unequivocally,this AfricanAmerican athlete must be held in high esteem. Most athletes are numb concerning the political,economical and social injustices which prey and shut out the voices of AfricanAmericans not only those upon the margins of America’s Capitalistic-Class system of racist segregation also affected are the AfricanAmericans collectively ! The supposedly affluent AfricanAmericans don’t voice their dissension until they discover or are awakened to the reality of what the dominant culture including european refugees mind sect is aligning with the majority uninhibitedly demonstrating their disdain. My sincere blessing to this courageous gentleman !