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Kevin Frazier to Host New CBS Game Show "Money Pump"

CBS, Money Pump, Kevin Frazier
Kevin Frazier

CBS has greenlighted Money Pump, a game show pilot based on an Israeli format. Hosted by omg! Insider’s Kevin FrazierMoney Pump is described as a high-pressure game in which contestants compete against an enormous money pump for a million dollars. ITV Studios America and Israeli company Reshet TV are producing, with Andrew Golder executive producing. The original series was created by Gili Golan, Adi Golan and Harel Joseffson for Tanin Prods & TV and Reshet TV. Israeli formats already are increasingly popular in the States, with such shows as Showtime’s Homeland. Unscripted Israeli shows have started to follow, withWho’s Still Standing going to series on NBC.
article by Nellie Andreeva via

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  1. bernasvibe bernasvibe April 28, 2013

    Obviously I don’t want much boob tube at all; because I’ve never laid eyes on this brother before. But I just might have to take a look at his upcoming show. He looks like he should be a candidate for my next husband..OMG he’s HOT.

  2. bernasvibe bernasvibe April 28, 2013

    oops I got too carried away..want should’ve been “watch”..I can’t look at too many pics of Kevin Frazier lol..Can’t even type right

    • goodblacknews goodblacknews April 28, 2013

      LOL! Well, at least CBS now knows “Money Pump” has at least one fan, and Kevin Frazier knows he has a wifey waiting in the wings.

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