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Posts tagged as “Wall Street”

Marquis Taylor Quits Wall Street Job to Help Impoverished Youth Through Basketball

Marquis Taylor (far left) with a group of young students participating in the mentorship program. (Photo courtesy of Coaching 4 Change website)
Marquis Taylor (far left) with a group of young students participating in the mentorship program. (Photo courtesy of Coaching 4 Change website)

Marquis Taylor, 29, is a man making a difference.  Once a working professional on Wall Street, Taylor left his job in real estate finance and dedicated his time to helping youth in low-income communities through his grassroots organization, Coaching4Change.

As the founder and executive director of the program, Taylor mentors the youth by teaching them the fundamental lessons provided through sports.  His mentoring guidelines are designed to stimulate the educational environment of kids in urban areas and they have proven to bring positive change to these impoverished communities.  Taylor’s mentorship program has directly affected one student in particular who grew up in a single home with eight siblings, according to a story reported by The Huffington Post.
The student was frequently in trouble and failing most of his classes but with Taylor’s guidance, he was able to raise his GPA almost two full points and he became inspired to launch an after-school program where he taught younger students the basics of basketball.  For Taylor, many of the lives of students he has helped reflect on some of the same hardships he faced as a child.

Collector Russell L. Goings Prepares To Disperse Rarely-Seen Romare Bearden Trove

At first glance the modest living room with parquet floor and track lighting resembles any space with an indifferent housekeeper: papers abound, stacks of paintings lean against walls, an indistinct jumble of items swallows a small table. But then Russell L. Goings starts pulling out what he calls his “stuff,” and his home improbably transforms into a personal art gallery, one brimming with his extensive collection of work by Romare Bearden, the 20th-century artist best known for his soulful collages of African-American life. Bearden also happened to be Mr. Goings’s longtime close friend.

Wall Street Preparing For Obama Victory As Romney Falls Behind In Polls

wall street barack obama
NEW YORK — As President Barack Obama widened his lead over Mitt Romney in polls this month, traders at hedge funds and investment firms began shooting emails to clients with a similar theme: It’s time to start preparing for an Obama victory.
What many in the market worry about isn’t that high earners may pay more in taxes if Obama wins. They worry that federal spending cuts and tax hikes scheduled for 2013 will kick in on Jan. 1 and start pulling the country into another recession. The higher taxes and lower spending would total $600 billion. They take effect automatically unless Congress and the White House reach a deal before then.