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Posts tagged as “vote”

Election Day: Have You Voted? #AllVotesMatter #BlackVotesMatter

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Just a quick reminder if you haven’t found a moment to make it to the polls yet today, there’s still time!  GBN Lifestyle/Sports Editor Lesa Lakin and I have taken the #blackwomenvote initiative seriously and hit the polls already – fortunately we had good weather – we hope you can find time to do the same if you haven’t already.  Voting is important… as our history and the poster below remind us:


If you don’t like your local, state or federal laws or officials, get out there and help foster change by making your voice heard.  If you’re not sure where your polling place is, click here to enter your address and find out!

Onward and upward, together!
Lori Lakin Hutcherson (follow @lakinhutcherson)

GBN Quote Of The Day

“What Washington needs is adult supervision.”
–President Barack Hussein Obama
(Watch the debate tonight @6pm/9pm PST/EST — and VOTE!!!!)