by Marlon West (FB: marlon.west1 Twitter: @marlonw IG: stlmarlonwest Spotify: marlonwest)
Happy New Year!
I hope 2021 is treating you all well, so far. Here is one more obligation to 2020. It is a companion piece to last week’s remembrance of the artists lost during that last year. This offering is a collection the music released during 2020.
Lockdown did not stop dozens of artists from creating great music. Long established artists and emerging ones all released music last year. As is my style, this is another free-wheeling collection of music, featuring jazz, soul, reggae, country music, and other genres.
[spotifyplaybutton play=”spotify:playlist:7AVWWpaSa6vExuYqHFiHvE”]
Making these playlists for GOOD BLACK NEWS has been an utter delight. I am honored and thrilled to keep going in 2021.
I’ll be back next, you all. Stay safe, sane, and kind.