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Posts tagged as “State Attorney Angela Corey”

Florida Prosecutor Angela Corey says State Will Retry Michael Dunn For 1st-Degree Murder

Michael Dunn is seen in the courtroom before the jury reached a verdict on Saturday. (Bob Mack, Associated Press / February 15, 2014)
Michael Dunn is seen in the courtroom before the jury reached a verdict on Saturday. (Bob Mack, Associated Press / February 15, 2014)

During a press conference following Michael Dunn‘s murder trial, Florida state special prosecutor Angela Corey said he will be retried for the murder of 17-year-old Jordan Davis.
RELATED: Michael Dunn Convicted on 4 of 5 Charges in Jordan Davis Murder Case
“We intend to fully push for a new trial….Justice for Jordan Davis is as important as it is for any victim,” said Corey.
As previously reported, Dunn, 47, has been found guilty of 3 counts of attempted second degree murder and one count of hurling a deadly missile. A mistrial was declared on the first-degree murder charge in the shooting death of 17-year old Jordan Davis.
The jury deliberated for four days and remained deadlocked on the 1st-degree murder charge and lesser charges, including second degree murder, manslaughter, justifiable homicide, or excusable homicide.
Protesters have begun marching over to the prosecutor’s office and demanding Corey’s resignation for, what they feel, is her failure to get justice for Davis.  Corey was also the special prosecutor in the George Zimmerman murder trial.  Last year, Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
Both Martin and Davis were killed when they were 17-years-old. Tomorrow, February 16, would have been Davis’ 19th birthday. Trayvon Martin would have been 19-years-old on February 5.
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Marissa Alexander, Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot in Florida, Gets New Trial

Marissa Alexander new trialTALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A Florida woman serving 20 years in prison for firing a shot at her estranged husband during an argument will get a new trial, though she will not be able to invoke a “stand your ground” defense, an appeals court ruled Thursday.

The case of Marissa Alexander, a Jacksonville mother of three, has been used by critics of Florida’s “stand your ground” law and mandatory minimum sentences to argue that the state’s justice system is skewed against defendants who are black.
The 1st District Court of Appeal ruled that Alexander deserves a new trial because the trial judge handling her case did not properly instruct the jury regarding what is needed to prove self-defense.
The ruling, written by Judge Robert Benton, said the instructions constituted a “fundamental error” and required Alexander to prove self-defense “beyond a reasonable doubt.”  But the court also made it clear in its ruling that the judge was right to block Alexander from using the state’s “stand your ground” law as a way to defend her actions. That law generally removes people’s duty to retreat in the face of possible danger and allows them to use of deadly force if they believe their lives are in danger.
Faith Gay, one of the attorneys representing the 33-year-old Alexander, said she was grateful for the “thorough consideration” provided by the appeals court.  “We are looking forward to taking the case back to trial,” Gay said.