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Posts tagged as “Stanford”

Ohio Quadruplets, Nigel, Zach, Aaron and Nick Wade, All Earn Spots at Harvard and Yale

(Courtesy of Aaron Wade/The Wade brothers, from left: Nigel, Zach, Aaron and Nick)

article by Sarah Larimer via
Nick Wade was at track practice late one afternoon last week when he found out. The 18-year-old checked his phone and learned that he had made it into the Ivy League. “One by one,” he said. “I found out I had gotten into my schools.”
Wade is a quadruplet, though, with three brothers on his high school track team who had also applied to Ivy schools. So about that time on Thursday, they were learning their fates, too. There was Aaron, who was in the locker room when he logged on. And Nigel, who was stretching when his brothers told him to check. Zach was going to wait until practice was over, but his brothers weren’t having it.
“It would have taken like 20 more minutes,” said Zach, whose siblings checked for him. “But they couldn’t wait that long.”That is how the Wade quadruplets, of Liberty Township, Ohio, learned that all four had been accepted at Harvard and Yale universities — offers that added to a pretty impressive pile of potential college destinations.
“We’re still in shock, honestly,” Aaron said this week. “I don’t think it has sunk in yet.”“I just felt blessed at that moment,” Nigel said. “It was an unreal feeling, I guess.”“Honestly, to have one child from a family be accepted to a school like this is amazing,” Zach said. “But for all four to be accepted — I just don’t, I don’t know how it happened.”
Besides Harvard and Yale, the Wade brothers have loads of options for the next four years. Nick got into Duke, Georgetown and Stanford. Aaron is in at Stanford, too. Nigel made the cut with Johns Hopkins and Vanderbilt, and Zach with Cornell. That list does not cover all the schools that offered them admission. But you get the idea.
These seniors at Lakota East High School are in high demand.“The outcome has shocked us,” Aaron said. “We didn’t go into this thinking, ‘Oh, we’re going to apply to all these schools and get into all of them.’ It wasn’t so much about the prestige or so much about the name as it was — it was important that we each find a school where we think that we’ll thrive and where we think that we’ll contribute.”
To read more, go to: Accepted, 8 times over: Ohio quadruplets earn spots at Yale, Harvard – The Washington Post

Engineer Stephanie Lampkin Launches App to Curb Discrimination in Hiring

Blendor creator Stephanie Lampkin (photo via

article via;
Stephanie Lampkin, a black female engineer, has seen her share of workplace discrimination. Despite the fact that she was a full-stack web developer by the age of 15 and then went on to get her education at Stanford and then MIT, she often had a hard time getting her foot in the door to get into the tech industry, which has long been dominated by white men.
But Lampkin has developed an app that would help to curb discrimination in hiring by eliminating even unconscious bias from the hiring process.
The app, called Blendoor, uploads resumes without a name or a picture so that candidates are judged solely on their merits and their technical abilities.
“My company resonates more with white men when I position it as, ‘hey, I want to help you find the best talent. Your unconscious mind isn’t racist, sexist — it’s totally natural, and we’re trying to help you circumvent it,’” she told Forbes.
Already, Lampkin has 19 large tech firms signed up to use the app, which will also collect job data to see how those who are seeking jobs are matching up with positions they would be qualified for.
To read more, go to:

Another One! Minnesota Student Munira Khalif Accepted to All 8 Ivy League Schools

Munira Khalif faces a tough decision: she has been accepted to all eight Ivy League schools, plus Stanford, Georgetown and the University of Minnesota.
According to Mounds Park Academy, the high school senior has stellar grades and an extremely high ACT score in addition to being a state speech champion and founder of MPA’s Social Consciousness Club. She has also campaigned for education, especially in East Africa and especially for girls there.
“Munira has thrived in MPA’s rigorous educational environment, where we challenge students to be intellectually curious and confident communicators,” said Randy Comfort, MPA’s upper school director. “She already is making a difference in communities across the globe, and I know she is ready to embrace the challenges that arise in our constantly changing world.”
RELATED: New York Student Harold Ekeh Accepted at All 8 Ivy League Schools
Khalif has not yet made a decision, and she intends to tour a few campuses before the decision deadline of May 1. Once she decides, she knows she wants to major in political science and be a force for good in the world. “I was very surprised. The best part for me was being able to call family members on the phone and to hear their excitement,” said Khalilf. “This was truly a blessing from God. To me this news is reflective of the support and encouragement of my family, my school and my community.”
article via

Jason Collins Comes Out as Gay NBA player

NBA center Jason Collins has become the first athlete in a major American team sport to come out as gay during his playing career.  In a personal essay set to publish in Sports Illustrated, Collins begins, “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.
“I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport,” he continues. “But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation. I wish I wasn’t the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, ‘I’m different.’ If I had my way, someone else would have already done this. Nobody has, which is why I’m raising my hand.”
Previously, Collins wore No. 98 in honor of Matthew Shepard, a student at Wyoming who was tortured and murdered just outside of Laramie, Wyo., in October of 1998. During the trial, reports indicated that Sheppard was targeted because he was a gay man.

Michael Tubbs Becomes Stockton, CA’s Youngest-Ever City Councilman

mdtubbs-online1Michael Tubbs, a 22 year-old Stanford graduate, is the youngest-ever city councilman to be elected in his hometown of Stockton, C.A.
Born into poverty to a teenage mother and father who is in prison, Tubbs grew up determined to make a difference.
Upon graduating from high school, Tubbs attended Stanford, where he earned a bachelor’s in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and a master’s in Policy, Organization and Leadership Studies.
While in college, Tubbs interned for both Google and the White House.  With multiple high-paying job offers, Tubbs decided to turn them down and return to his hometown to run for city council.
The struggling city of Stockton, CA. is in need of serious change.  In June of 2012, Stockton became the most populous U.S. city to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.  The city also has a record high number of homicides in 2012 with 71.
Tubbs first made headlines last spring when he received a campaign endorsement form Oprah Winfrey after meeting her on campus at Stanford.  Winfrey donated $10,000 to the then-college senior.
article by Carrie Healey via

Drama Professor Now 'Directing' Undergraduate Education At Stanford

L.A. Cicero Harry J. Elam Jr.
Harry J. Elam Jr. became the Freeman-Thornton Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education five months after the university announced plans for a comprehensive review of undergraduate education.

As the oldest son of the first black chief justice on the Boston Municipal Court, Harry J. Elam Jr. long thought he would follow in his father’s legal footsteps.Until Elam realized – as a senior at Harvard College – that he was more interested in the drama of the courtroom than the law practiced within its walls.“When I was going off to UC-Berkeley to get a PhD in dramatic arts, I asked my father if he was disappointed in that choice,” Elam, the new vice provost for undergraduate education at Stanford, recalled during a recent interview.Elam got a surprising answer during that conversation more than three decades ago, a reply that seems to astonish and delight him even to this day.“My father said that” – here, Elam burst out laughing – “the one thing he would have been if he wasn’t a lawyer was an actor.”His father, who is now 88 years old, had already demonstrated his skill as an impresario by filling the house when his two sons – Harry, then a senior in high school, and the late Keith Elam, then in seventh grade – helped mount a production of A Medal for Willie, written by William B. Branch.“The Family,” a black youth theater troupe at Noble and Greenough School – the private school both sons attended – staged a summer production of the 1951 play, in which a southern African American woman rejects the medal posthumously awarded to her soldier son for bravery during World War II.“My father sent all his friends – jokingly – summonses to come to the play,” Elam said, sitting at a small round table in his office in Sweet Hall one recent summer morning. “For two nights, 500 people came – in the summer in Boston – to see A Medal for Willie, which my brother had a small part in.”Elam said his 81-year-old mother, who was the co-director of library programs in the Boston public school system, took him to plays as a child and encouraged his interest in theater. “Nothing was more important to her than reading,” he said.
Early acting career
Elam, who joined Stanford’s drama faculty in 1990 and is now the Olive H. Palmer Professor in Humanities, said acting was a big part of his undergraduate years at Harvard.
L.A. Cicero Harry Elam with Anne DazeyHarry Elam prepares for a lunchtime meeting while going over the rest of his schedule with Administrative Associate Anne Dazey.
“I loved to act at that point,” Elam said, adding with a laugh, “until I realized, years later, that probably I wasn’t that good.”At Harvard, Elam earned a bachelor’s degree in social studies, a cross-disciplinary major that focused on social change.Elam, who directed plays in high school, continued directing as a doctoral student at UC-Berkeley, after a professor asked him to direct skits in a class on Chicano drama.There, Elam discovered what he described as an “incredible connection” between the plays of Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino, a theatrical troupe founded as the cultural arm of the United Farm Workers Union in 1965, and the plays of Amiri Baraka (formerly LeRoi Jones), an African American artist – poet, essayist, playwright, music critic – and political activist.“All of a sudden my dissertation topic changed,” Elam said.“I wanted to look comparatively between African American drama in the 1960s and Chicano theater of that same time period. I wanted to see how theater functions as a mechanism for social activism and, to push further, to develop a theory about how to evaluate such theater. Such theater is necessarily ephemeral and often didactic, and some people were saying it wasn’t such great theater. But since its ends are social, I felt that it needed a much different means of analyzing it.”It was a topic that would become the focus of Elam’s first book of dramatic criticism, Taking It to the Streets: The Social Protest Theater of Luis Valdez and Amiri Baraka, which was published in 2001.While Elam was writing his dissertation, he accepted a teaching post at the University of Maryland and moved to Washington, D.C., in 1983.He enjoyed living in the nation’s capital but was eager to return to California. He accepted a visiting position in Stanford’s Drama Department in 1989 and joined the department as an associate professor the following year. At that point, he said, everyone in the department had published two books – except him.At first, he found the situation a bit intimidating.“But it was intimidation that drove me to work and to achieve at that level – as a scholar,” Elam said. “What I feel really lucky about during the years I was struggling to find myself and embrace the word ‘scholar’ was the partnership, collaboration, support and mentorship I received at Stanford, inside and outside the department, from people who were able and willing to give of their time.”
Author and editor of six books
Since then, Elam has written and edited six books. In 2006, he was inducted into the prestigious College of Fellows of the American Theatre.Elam became director of the Committee on Black Performing Arts when he arrived at Stanford, a position he held for 18 years. For eight years he also was the director of the Institute for Diversity in the Arts, which is devoted to exploring questions of race and diversity through the lens of artistic practice and performance. Elam has served as the chair and the director of graduate studies in the Drama Department.In addition, he was the senior associate vice provost for undergraduate education, working for two years under former vice provost John Bravman, now the president of Bucknell University.“Working in administration enables you to help shape the vision of an institution you care deeply about,” Elam said. “For me, being able to ‘sell’ Stanford, or to help Stanford, or to make Stanford a better experience, are critically important tasks and not at all antithetical to the other things I am – a scholar and a teacher.”
L.A. Cicero Harry Elam with Tom EhrlichTom Ehrlich, former dean of the Stanford Law School, discusses undergraduate education with Elam.
Elam compared working in university administration to directing a play.“When you’re directing a play, you are sharing your vision of the play with the audience, but it’s a vision informed by all the other artists involved in the production, including the actors and set designers,” said Elam, who has directed theater professionally for nearly two decades.“The play works best when everyone feels that they are working to their fullest, that they are contributing to the whole, and that it’s going to become this great thing as they go forth – the play. It’s also about an ‘end,’ because the play has to be performed. All of those things are true about university administration.”Elam became the Freeman-Thornton Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education five months after Stanford announced plans for a comprehensive review of undergraduate education. At that time, Elam was co-chair of the task force conducting the review, known as the Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford. The task force is expected to present its recommendations in the fall of 2011.“One of the most important questions for the task force, and for me and the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, is ‘How do we reach and teach the new millennial learner,'” Elam said, referring to the current generation of students, which is made up of technologically savvy, confident, pressured, team-oriented individuals who have unusually strong relationships with their parents and a strong desire to achieve.The world has changed dramatically since Stanford transformed undergraduate education on the Farm 15 years ago with new programs, including undergraduate research and the Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM) program for freshmen.Under the new review, Stanford is looking for ways to prepare the students of today to become the global citizens of tomorrow.After becoming vice provost, Elam stepped down as co-chair of the task force. Susan McConnell, the Susan B. Ford Professor in Biology and a member of the task force, replaced him, joining James Campbell, the Edgar E. Robinson Professor in U.S. History. Elam said the combination – which unites professors from the humanities and the natural sciences – strengthens the task force.Elam will be getting to know some of those millennial students during the fall quarter, when he and his wife, Michele Elam, the Martin Luther King Centennial Professor, will be team teaching Beyond Survival, an interdisciplinary IHUM course, to incoming freshmen. The course will investigate the question: How do men and women survive – and overcome physical deprivation and social oppression – physically, intellectually, creatively and spiritually?“I am truly excited about teaching IHUM this year, not simply because I enjoy team working with my wife, Michele, but because I relish the interaction with Stanford undergraduates,” Elam said. “And I have this opportunity to try and make my teaching practice benefit from all the important ideology discussions that I have taken part in for the Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford.”

Drama Professor Now ‘Directing’ Undergraduate Education At Stanford

L.A. Cicero Harry J. Elam Jr.
Harry J. Elam Jr. became the Freeman-Thornton Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education five months after the university announced plans for a comprehensive review of undergraduate education.


As the oldest son of the first black chief justice on the Boston Municipal Court, Harry J. Elam Jr. long thought he would follow in his father’s legal footsteps.Until Elam realized – as a senior at Harvard College – that he was more interested in the drama of the courtroom than the law practiced within its walls.“When I was going off to UC-Berkeley to get a PhD in dramatic arts, I asked my father if he was disappointed in that choice,” Elam, the new vice provost for undergraduate education at Stanford, recalled during a recent interview.Elam got a surprising answer during that conversation more than three decades ago, a reply that seems to astonish and delight him even to this day.“My father said that” – here, Elam burst out laughing – “the one thing he would have been if he wasn’t a lawyer was an actor.”His father, who is now 88 years old, had already demonstrated his skill as an impresario by filling the house when his two sons – Harry, then a senior in high school, and the late Keith Elam, then in seventh grade – helped mount a production of A Medal for Willie, written by William B. Branch.“The Family,” a black youth theater troupe at Noble and Greenough School – the private school both sons attended – staged a summer production of the 1951 play, in which a southern African American woman rejects the medal posthumously awarded to her soldier son for bravery during World War II.“My father sent all his friends – jokingly – summonses to come to the play,” Elam said, sitting at a small round table in his office in Sweet Hall one recent summer morning. “For two nights, 500 people came – in the summer in Boston – to see A Medal for Willie, which my brother had a small part in.”Elam said his 81-year-old mother, who was the co-director of library programs in the Boston public school system, took him to plays as a child and encouraged his interest in theater. “Nothing was more important to her than reading,” he said.

Early acting career

Elam, who joined Stanford’s drama faculty in 1990 and is now the Olive H. Palmer Professor in Humanities, said acting was a big part of his undergraduate years at Harvard.

L.A. Cicero Harry Elam with Anne DazeyHarry Elam prepares for a lunchtime meeting while going over the rest of his schedule with Administrative Associate Anne Dazey.

“I loved to act at that point,” Elam said, adding with a laugh, “until I realized, years later, that probably I wasn’t that good.”At Harvard, Elam earned a bachelor’s degree in social studies, a cross-disciplinary major that focused on social change.Elam, who directed plays in high school, continued directing as a doctoral student at UC-Berkeley, after a professor asked him to direct skits in a class on Chicano drama.There, Elam discovered what he described as an “incredible connection” between the plays of Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino, a theatrical troupe founded as the cultural arm of the United Farm Workers Union in 1965, and the plays of Amiri Baraka (formerly LeRoi Jones), an African American artist – poet, essayist, playwright, music critic – and political activist.“All of a sudden my dissertation topic changed,” Elam said.“I wanted to look comparatively between African American drama in the 1960s and Chicano theater of that same time period. I wanted to see how theater functions as a mechanism for social activism and, to push further, to develop a theory about how to evaluate such theater. Such theater is necessarily ephemeral and often didactic, and some people were saying it wasn’t such great theater. But since its ends are social, I felt that it needed a much different means of analyzing it.”It was a topic that would become the focus of Elam’s first book of dramatic criticism, Taking It to the Streets: The Social Protest Theater of Luis Valdez and Amiri Baraka, which was published in 2001.While Elam was writing his dissertation, he accepted a teaching post at the University of Maryland and moved to Washington, D.C., in 1983.He enjoyed living in the nation’s capital but was eager to return to California. He accepted a visiting position in Stanford’s Drama Department in 1989 and joined the department as an associate professor the following year. At that point, he said, everyone in the department had published two books – except him.At first, he found the situation a bit intimidating.“But it was intimidation that drove me to work and to achieve at that level – as a scholar,” Elam said. “What I feel really lucky about during the years I was struggling to find myself and embrace the word ‘scholar’ was the partnership, collaboration, support and mentorship I received at Stanford, inside and outside the department, from people who were able and willing to give of their time.”

Author and editor of six books

Since then, Elam has written and edited six books. In 2006, he was inducted into the prestigious College of Fellows of the American Theatre.Elam became director of the Committee on Black Performing Arts when he arrived at Stanford, a position he held for 18 years. For eight years he also was the director of the Institute for Diversity in the Arts, which is devoted to exploring questions of race and diversity through the lens of artistic practice and performance. Elam has served as the chair and the director of graduate studies in the Drama Department.In addition, he was the senior associate vice provost for undergraduate education, working for two years under former vice provost John Bravman, now the president of Bucknell University.“Working in administration enables you to help shape the vision of an institution you care deeply about,” Elam said. “For me, being able to ‘sell’ Stanford, or to help Stanford, or to make Stanford a better experience, are critically important tasks and not at all antithetical to the other things I am – a scholar and a teacher.”

L.A. Cicero Harry Elam with Tom EhrlichTom Ehrlich, former dean of the Stanford Law School, discusses undergraduate education with Elam.

Elam compared working in university administration to directing a play.“When you’re directing a play, you are sharing your vision of the play with the audience, but it’s a vision informed by all the other artists involved in the production, including the actors and set designers,” said Elam, who has directed theater professionally for nearly two decades.“The play works best when everyone feels that they are working to their fullest, that they are contributing to the whole, and that it’s going to become this great thing as they go forth – the play. It’s also about an ‘end,’ because the play has to be performed. All of those things are true about university administration.”Elam became the Freeman-Thornton Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education five months after Stanford announced plans for a comprehensive review of undergraduate education. At that time, Elam was co-chair of the task force conducting the review, known as the Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford. The task force is expected to present its recommendations in the fall of 2011.“One of the most important questions for the task force, and for me and the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, is ‘How do we reach and teach the new millennial learner,'” Elam said, referring to the current generation of students, which is made up of technologically savvy, confident, pressured, team-oriented individuals who have unusually strong relationships with their parents and a strong desire to achieve.The world has changed dramatically since Stanford transformed undergraduate education on the Farm 15 years ago with new programs, including undergraduate research and the Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM) program for freshmen.Under the new review, Stanford is looking for ways to prepare the students of today to become the global citizens of tomorrow.After becoming vice provost, Elam stepped down as co-chair of the task force. Susan McConnell, the Susan B. Ford Professor in Biology and a member of the task force, replaced him, joining James Campbell, the Edgar E. Robinson Professor in U.S. History. Elam said the combination – which unites professors from the humanities and the natural sciences – strengthens the task force.Elam will be getting to know some of those millennial students during the fall quarter, when he and his wife, Michele Elam, the Martin Luther King Centennial Professor, will be team teaching Beyond Survival, an interdisciplinary IHUM course, to incoming freshmen. The course will investigate the question: How do men and women survive – and overcome physical deprivation and social oppression – physically, intellectually, creatively and spiritually?“I am truly excited about teaching IHUM this year, not simply because I enjoy team working with my wife, Michele, but because I relish the interaction with Stanford undergraduates,” Elam said. “And I have this opportunity to try and make my teaching practice benefit from all the important ideology discussions that I have taken part in for the Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford.”