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Posts tagged as “seizure”

Five Year-Old Demonte Reilley Saves Mom’s Life By Calling 911

demonte-reilley-detroitEarly Tuesday morning, Akua McClaine was having a seizure but her five year-old son knew what to do: call 911.  Fox 2 News reports that Demonte Reilley knew exactly what to say when the operator answered the call. Demonte told the operator what had happened to his mother, her age and her medical history, as well as their location. His mother had drilled him on what to say if he ever had to call 911. The operator was so impressed with the boy’s actions that she contacted Fox 2. “I’m so proud of him,” McClaine told the news station about her son’s actions. “He saved me.”
The only thing Demonte doesn’t remember about the ordeal was how long it took for the EMS to arrive; he just graduated from kindergarten, so he doesn’t know how to tell time. As for McClaine, she was treated at a local hospital and released. “I just said, ‘baby I love you so much’ and he said, ‘no mommy, I love you.’”
To see video of Demonte Reilley talking about saving his mother by calling 911, click here.
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3-Year-Old Tyrone Copeland Helps Save Aunt’s Life After She Passes Out From Seizure

Most three-year-old boys would panic if they saw their aunt collapse to the ground from a seizure. But not Tyrone Copeland of Wilmington, Delaware.
Tyrone Copeland Jr
WPVI-TV in Philadelphia reports that the little superhero knew exactly what to do when his aunt passed out in a public park in Wilmington.