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Posts tagged as “rescue”

Italy Rescues Sixty-Nine African Migrants

ROME, (UPI) — Some 69 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa aboard a dinghy were rescued Friday in the Sicilian Channel, the Italian coast guard said.  The migrants, reported to be in good health, were taken to the island of Lampedusa, reported Italy’s ANSA news agency.  Recent good weather has spurred a rise in Africans crossing the Mediterranean for opportunities in Europe.  Fifteen minors who had earlier reached Italy have been transferred from the migrant reception center on Lampedusa to youth homes around Agrigento.

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Teen Runs Into Burning House And Saves Two Year-Old Boy

nelson fonangwan saves adamA brave 16-year-old boy in Southampton, Hampshire in the United Kingdom risked his own life after running in a burning home to save a 2-year-old boy, Adam, the Southern Daily Echo reports.
Nelson Fonangwan was awaken by the screams of his neighbor, Aneta Jedlikoswka, whose child was locked inside of her burning house. When the teen reached the mom, she was frantic.
“She didn’t speak good English and she pointed to me inside the house and said ‘baby’, I knew I had to do something so that’s when I helped by breaking the rest of the glass and I went in and got the baby,” Fonangwan told The Echo.
“The smoke was really thick you couldn’t even breathe, I don’t know how the baby was coping because I was choking. I didn’t think too much because it was frantic but once I heard baby I thought I have to do this. I was a bit nervous though because it was fire.
“When I brought her baby out, she was really relieved her arm was really bad she hugged him tight.”
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3-Year-Old Tyrone Copeland Helps Save Aunt’s Life After She Passes Out From Seizure

Most three-year-old boys would panic if they saw their aunt collapse to the ground from a seizure. But not Tyrone Copeland of Wilmington, Delaware.
Tyrone Copeland Jr
WPVI-TV in Philadelphia reports that the little superhero knew exactly what to do when his aunt passed out in a public park in Wilmington.