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Posts tagged as “physics”

Maryam Tsegaye, 17, Becomes 1st Canadian to Win $450K International Science Competition (WATCH)

[Photo: Maryam Tsegaye via YouTube]

According to, Maryam Tsegaye, a 17 year-old student at École McTavish Public High School, became the first Canadian to win the $500,000 International Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a prize that includes a scholarship and new science lab for her school.

The competition asks students from around the globe to create a video which explains a scientific principle for the public.

Fort McMurray, Alberta resident Tsegaye took up the challenge and put together a three-minute video explaining quantum tunnelling:

Tsegaye spent two weeks creating her video, comparing quantum tunnelling to rolling dice and playing video games.

“I just had a lot of time over quarantine and I just decided to enter,” Tsegaye said to CBC. “In previous years, I always hesitated from entering because I was really intimidated by all the other competitors.”

About 5,600 students sent in entries. The competition’s prize is a $250,000 US scholarship, $100,000 toward a science lab for her high school and $50,000 cash for the teacher who inspired her.

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Eighteen-Year-Old African American Earns Degree in Physics at Southern University

PoliteStewart03In December 2012, Polite Stewart Jr. earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While a very small percentage of bachelor’s degree awards in physics go to African Americans, Stewart’s achievement is all the more remarkable given that he is only 18 years old.
Stewart got offers from colleges and universities across the country but decided to attend college near his home, about 10 miles from the Southern University campus. When he was high school age, Stewart took college-level classes at Southern University’s Timbuktu Academy. He had been home schooled.
During college he conducted summer research at North Carolina State University. He plans to start graduate school in the fall and pursue a career in biological and physics engineering.
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