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Posts tagged as “Mitt Romney”

It’s Official: Obama Wins Florida, Putting Final Electoral Tally 332 to 206

Obama Wins Florida: Final electoral tally: 332 to 206

Major news outlets have reported that President Barack Obama has won Florida, topping Republican challenger Mitt Romney in the final electoral vote tally 332 to 206.

The Florida Secretary of State’s Office said that with almost 100 percent of the vote counted, Obama led Romney 50 percent to 49.1 percent, a difference of about 74,000 votes. That was over the half-percent margin where a computer recount would have been automatically ordered unless Romney had waived it, NBC News reported.

Obama had already clinched re-election, leading earlier in the Electoral College vote 303 to 206.

A win in Florida gives Obama victories in eight of the nine swing states, losing only North Carolina. He won Ohio, Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado and Nevada.

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Election Results Update: Obama Wins Electoral AND Popular Vote

As of 1:09am PST, President Barack Obama widens his electoral college vote margin over Mitt Romney to 303 vs. 206, and is now projected to win the popular vote with 50% versus Romney’s 48.4%.  Click here to read and hear the transcript of President Obama’s speech.

Four More Years: Congratulations On Your Re-Election, President Obama!

President Barack Obama has been re-elected to the Presidency of the United States tonight, defeating opponent Mitt Romney, 275 electoral votes to 203.  The final tally on the popular vote still hasn’t been verified, but with 60% of the ballots counted, Mitt Romney leads 50% to 49% in that measure. More on this momentous victory as it comes.

Colin Powell Endorses Obama A Second Time

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on CBS This Morning earlier today.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on CBS This Morning earlier today.

Saying that “I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on” and that fellow Republican Mitt Romney has not “thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have,” former secretary of state and retired Gen. Colin Powell this morning endorsed President Obama’s re-election bid.  Powell made the announcement on CBS This Morning. The show has been tweeting his comments and has posted video here.  Then-Sen. Barack Obama also got Powell’s endorsement in 2008.  Powell also told CBS that “I’m a Republican of a more moderate mold … dying breed.”

article by Mark Memmott via

More Blacks Found Jobs in September

Black Unemployment Rate Declined in September
More people are working and that is reflected in the most recent unemployment numbers released by the Labor Department Friday morning. African-Americans had reason to cheer as their unemployment rate fell to 13.4 percent, down from 14.1 percent in August. Though still extremely high, African-American teen joblessness dropped slightly from 37.9 to 36.7 percent.  The national jobless rate declined to 7.8 percent from 8.1 the previous month.  The unemployment rate is at a 44-month low, and is now the same as when President Obama took office in 2009. This drop could give the president a boost after his disappointing debate performance against Mitt Romney.

Wall Street Preparing For Obama Victory As Romney Falls Behind In Polls

wall street barack obama
NEW YORK — As President Barack Obama widened his lead over Mitt Romney in polls this month, traders at hedge funds and investment firms began shooting emails to clients with a similar theme: It’s time to start preparing for an Obama victory.
What many in the market worry about isn’t that high earners may pay more in taxes if Obama wins. They worry that federal spending cuts and tax hikes scheduled for 2013 will kick in on Jan. 1 and start pulling the country into another recession. The higher taxes and lower spending would total $600 billion. They take effect automatically unless Congress and the White House reach a deal before then.

Obama Leads Romney 49-42 Percent in Latest Reuters/Ipsos Survey

U.S. President Barack Obama participates in an election campaign rally in Virginia Beach, September 27, 2012. REUTERS-Jason Reed
U.S. President Barack Obama participates in an election campaign rally in Virginia Beach, September 27, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Jason Reed

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama maintains a lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney with 40 days left until the November 6 election, the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll said on Thursday.  The daily tracking poll said Obama had 49 percent support to 42 percent for Romney among likely voters. Ipsos interviewed 1,194 registered voters online for the survey.

Obama Leads In Nearly Every Swing State, On Pace For 2008-Like Landslide

Barack Obama

President Barack Obama speaks to supporters at the Stroh Center on September 26, 2012 in Bowling Green, Ohio. Six days before early voting starts in Ohio, the President discussed what he says is a real and achievable plan to restore middle-class economic security by paying down the debt in a balanced way. (Photo by J.D. Pooley/Getty Images)

President Obama has a strong lead over Mitt Romney in New Hampshire and narrow advantages in Nevada and North Carolina, according to a new series of NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist College polls, putting him ahead in virtually every swing state with fewer than 40 days before the election.
The president leads 51 to 44 among likely voters in New Hampshire, a state he won in 2008 but one Romney advisers view as winnable for their candidate. Obama has a 49 to 47 advantage in Nevada and a 48 to 46 lead in North Carolina, both well within the margin of error of the surveys. (Go to NBC’s First Read for even more details on the polls.)

Obama Leads Romney Among NASCAR Fans By Seven Points

President Barack Obama and Nascar Sprint Cup Series Champion Tony Stewart pose for a photo during a visit by the 2011 Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup drivers to the White House on April 17, 2012 in Washington, DC. President Obama hosted the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion Tony Stewart to honor his championship season. (Photo by Ned Dishman/Getty Images for NASCAR)

President Barack Obama and Nascar Sprint Cup Series Champion Tony Stewart pose for a photo during a visit by the 2011 Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup drivers to the White House on April 17, 2012 in Washington, DC. President Obama hosted the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion Tony Stewart to honor his championship season. (Photo by Ned Dishman/Getty Images for NASCAR)

President Barack Obama’s recent lead in the polls has extended to some unexpected corners of the electorate. According to a new Zogby poll, the president is beating Republican Mitt Romney by 7 points with NASCAR fans. The Huffington Post has more:

Obama’s Approval Rating Up More Than 50 Percent

obama approval rating
WASHINGTON — Americans are feeling markedly better about the country’s future and about Barack Obama‘s job performance, but the president’s re-election race against Republican Mitt Romney remains a neck-and-neck proposition as Election Day creeps ever closer, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.  Buoyed by good mojo coming out of last month’s national political conventions, Obama’s approval rating is back above 50 percent for the first time since May, and the share of Americans who think the country is moving in the right direction is at its highest level since just after the death of Osama bin Laden in May 2011.