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Posts tagged as “Mensa”

11 Year-Old Genius Ramarni Wilford Scores Higher Than Einstein on IQ Test

072114 11-Year-Old Genius
An 11-year-old in the U.K. found out he’s a genius after taking an IQ test. His 162 score makes him smarter than Bill Gates – and Albert Einstein – according to the Romford Recorder.
Ramarni Wilford was invited to take the IQ test after writing an essay an essay snagged him an invitation to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University. Although he was very surprised and happy by the results – he’s in the top one percent in the U.K. – he remains modest.
“I can’t begin to compare myself to these great men whose hard work clearly proves that they are true geniuses,” Wilford says.
RELATED: Child Prodigy Adam Kirby, 2, becomes Youngest Ever to Join Genius Club Mensa
A member of a gifted and talented program as well as the Brilliant Club, he can now add a membership to Mensa to his future college applications. Mensa, the world’s oldest IQ society, has invited Wilford to join so he can attend exclusive events and mingle with like-minded kids.
“I don’t really see having a high IQ as a big deal, but I do feel very privileged to be invited to join Mensa and can’t wait to attend some of the events,” he says.
Read more at the Romford Recorder.
article by Teronda Seymore via

Child Prodigy Adam Kirby, 2, becomes Youngest Ever to Join Genius Club Mensa

Little Adam with his family

A TWO-YEAR-OLD child prodigy has become the youngest ever member of Mensa – after an IQ test ranked him smarter than President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron.  Little Adam Kirby has read Shakespeare and learned Japanese, Spanish and French.  The super-intelligent tot notched up an IQ of 141 – 10 points higher than two of the most powerful world leaders.  His parents Dean, 33, and Kerry-Ann, 31, immediately knew their son was different when he toilet trained HIMSELF – after reading a book on the subject aged just one.

 Adam’s other impressive abilities include being able to spell 100 words, reciting most of his times tables up to 10, learning the periodic table and mastering a map-of-the-world puzzle designed to challenge adults.  After receiving his IQ test results, he was invited to join the world’s oldest and most prestigious genius society Mensa.
Dad Dean, an IT consultant from Mitcham, London, said: “Adam’s abilities are outstanding and we’ve been actively developing his intelligence since he was 10 weeks old. We’re certainly delighted for him.  “While most children are just learning to stand up or crawl, Adam was reading books. His development was just mind-blowingly quick.”
Adam’s score of 141 – just four shy of the ’Genius’ category – puts him head and shoulders above the average score of 100.  The Stanford-Binet exam, originally developed by French psychologist Alfred Binet, has become renowned for being able to accurately determine a child’s intelligence levels and predict future grades.
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