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Posts tagged as “make-up tips”

They Couldn’t Find Beauty Tutorials for Dark Skin. So They Made Their Own | The New York Times

The beauty industry often shuts out women with darker complexions, but Nyma Tang, Monica Veloz and Jackie Aina are video bloggers working to change that (Credits From left: Nyma Tang; Juan Veloz; Angela Marklew)

by Sandra E. Garcia via

Women are not born knowing how to do a flawless cat eye or a shadowy, smoky eye, so they often turn to makeup tutorials on YouTube. A search for “smoky eye” pulls up endless videos showing how to perfectly blend eye shadows to achieve the look.


But what if you had dark skin and most of the videos showed lighter-skinned women applying hues that would make you look as if you had a black eye? What if you couldn’t relate to these women, because you couldn’t see yourself in them?

The answer to that is also simple: You make your own YouTube channel.

That is what Jackie Aina, 31, Monica Veloz, 26, and Nyma Tang, 27, did. The three women collectively have nearly four million YouTube subscribers, with Ms. Aina alone having over two million.

The women, all self-taught, turn on their cameras at home, and show us how to put on foundation, apply lashes and highlight our cheekbones, step by step. They teach us what tools to use and which hair products work.

“I think everyone looks for someone that looks like them,” Ms. Tang said. “I was definitely looking for that, especially on YouTube, and it was hard to find tutorials on products for women with deeper skin.”

The beauty bloggers provide darker-skinned women with something they may not have a tutorial for: the confidence to wear bold colors, to stand up to haters, and, more important, to choose how they present themselves.

They try different makeup brands to show that they do work on dark skin or, of course, that they don’t. They teach women not to be afraid of color, like red lipstick, bright yellow eye shadow or holographic highlights.

Their videos and social media posts are finding an audience of black women who are ready to spend money on beauty products, studies show, but have few choices to pick from.

“Most beauty launches never worked for me,” Ms. Tang said.

“A lot of times they don’t want to take the time to make the product,” Ms. Veloz said, adding that beauty companies often treat women with darker skin as “an afterthought.”

“Dark-skinned women are always kind of at the bottom of the totem pole,” Ms. Aina said. “I don’t understand that.”

To read more, go to: They Couldn’t Find Beauty Tutorials for Dark Skin. So They Made Their Own. – The New York Times

10 Must-Read Tips On How To Make All Your Beauty Products Last

 Beauty products can be so expensive. Especially when you are buying the latest beauty trends and celebrity makeup collaborations. But you know I’m here to save the day–and your wallet! There are a number of really easy ways to stretch those hard-earned dollars without sacrificing the beauty results.

1. Revive Your Nail Polish: If your polish brush no longer reaches the bottom of the bottle, add a few drops of nail polish remover, shake the bottle and voila, new nail polish. You should also invest in a long thin paintbrush to access those hard to reach last bits of polish before trashing the bottle for good.
2. Maximize Mascara: Is your favorite mascara all dried up? Use a hair dryer to heat it up, or soak the tube in hot water to re-liquify. But remember mascara should be thrown out after three to six months of use to avoid infections.
3. Make Lipstick Last:  Scrape the lipstick dregs out of bottom of the tube, place inside of a pill-box, contact lens case or a very small plastic paint palette and microwave for about 10 seconds. Then, put the melted lipstick in the fridge to harden in your new “container.” You might need to use a lipstick brush to apply, but that’s much cheaper than a whole new tube of Chanel.
4. Longer Life Lip Liner: To keep lip and eyeliners moist and firm, store them in the refrigerator between uses.
5. From Powder to Gloss: Take leftover powdered blush (when it’s cracked and you can hardly get it on the brush) and mix with Vaseline for a pink, sparkly nude lip gloss.