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Posts tagged as ““Let’s Move””

Michelle Obama Gets Assist from Miami Heat Stars in "Let's Move" Promo, Dunks on LeBron James (VIDEO)


Michelle Obama

The stars of the Miami Heat and head coach Erik Spoelstra joined Michelle Obama at the White House to help promote her “Let’s Move” campaign.

LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade and Ray Allen were on hand to film a short video, encouraging viewers to eat healthy.  The group eats apples and drinks water throughout the promo, which is capped off with the first lady dunking a mini basketball into a hoop held by James.

article by Carrie Healey via

Michelle Obama's Newest Initiative: Using Hip-Hop to Fight Obesity (VIDEO)

First lady Michelle Obama is distributing a  hip-hop album, complete with music videos, to fight obesity at schools across the country.

First lady Michelle Obama is distributing a hip-hop album, complete with music videos, to fight obesity at schools across the country.  In June, first lady Michelle Obama appeared in a hip-hop music video that featured rapper Doug E. Fresh, singer-songwriter Jordin Sparks and TV medical personality Dr. Oz. The catchy song urged kids to “work hard/eat right” and “tell somebody/it’s your body/c’mon.” The song was just the first of a 19-track album, the majority of which are hip-hop, to be released by the Partnership for a Healthier America, the anti-obesity nonprofit that launched in conjunction with Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! anti-obesity campaign, and a New York-based group called Hip Hop Public Health.  

The full album, which includes songs with names like “Veggie Luv,” by Monifah and J Rome, “Hip Hop LEAN,” by Artie Green, and “Give Myself a Try,” by Ryan Beatty, will be released on Sept. 30.  Let’s Move! Executive Director and White House assistant chef Sam Kass says the White House is fully behind the initiative to use hip-hop – and other genres of music – as a tool to get kids to live healthier lives.
“Cultural leaders and visionaries in our country can give these messages to kids in a way that’s not preachy. Kids are going to be dancing and listening to the music,” he says. “I think hip-hop in particular – so many kids love hip-hop. It’s such a core part of our culture …and particularly in the African-American community and the Latino community which is being disproportionately affected by those health issues.”
African-American children are more than 50 percent more likely to be overweight or obese compared with white children, and Hispanic children are nearly 30 percent more likely, according to a 2008 studypublished in Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
If all goes according to plan, some 10 of the 19 songs on the new album will be made into music videos, much like the hip-hop video in which Michelle Obama appeared. Those music videos will then be distributed to schools across the nation – starting with 40 schools in New York City, and then to schools in San Antonio, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. The hope is that teachers will use the videos during recess, physical education classes or even passing periods to encourage kids to get moving.

Michelle Obama, Jimmy Fallon Promote Fitness with "Mom Dancing"


NEW YORK — In honor of her “Let’s Move!” fitness campaign, First Lady Michelle Obama showed off her dance moves on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” Friday.
The first lady and the comedian appeared in a skit called “The Evolution of Mom Dancing.” In it, Fallon, disguised as a pink and green-clad suburban “mom” — was joined by Mrs. Obama in showing off dances like the “Go Shopping, Get Groceries,” the “Just the Hands Part of ‘Single Ladies,’” the “Where’s Your Father” (Get Him Back Here!),” the “Driving the Station Wagon” and the “Out of Sync Electric Slide.” But it was the first lady who wound up getting the better of Fallon’s hip swinging suburbanite when she launched into what has become one of her signature moves: “The Dougie.”
The skit was part of an appearance on the show in which the First Lady also challenged Fallon to a series of physical exercises, all designed to demonstrate the importance of keeping fit. The two even tweeted their pre-workout rivalry before the show, which was taped Friday afternoon in New York. Watch the dance skit below: