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Posts tagged as “holidays”

Good Black News Wishes You and Yours a Merry Christmas

On a day when family, friends and loved ones come together, GBN wishes you a day filled with love, laughter, harmony, and inspiration. As we give to each other, let us always strive to remember what a gift we have in life, and to cherish it always for ourselves as well as others.
Merry Christmas!
The Good Black News Staff

Good Black News Wishes You and Yours a Very Happy Thanksgiving

On this day when family and friends traditionally come together to share a special meal and offer gratitude for blessings as well as the ability to survive life’s most humbling challenges, GBN wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  We’d also like to express our gratitude to you, our followers, and say “thank you” for the continued love, positivity and support. Enjoy!

Obamas Extend Warm Wishes For Kwanzaa (12/27-1/1)

Popularity Of Celebrating Kwanzaa Declines (thumbnail)

The White House issued the following statement from President Barack and first lady Michelle Obama on Friday:
“Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to those celebrating Kwanzaa this holiday season.  Today begins a celebration highlighting the rich African-American heritage and culture through the seven principles of Kwanzaa—unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith.  During this season, families come together to reflect on blessings of the past year and look forward to the promises in the year ahead. As we remain committed to building a country that provides opportunity for all, this time of year reminds us that there is much to be thankful for.

As families around the world unite to light the Kinara today, our family extends our prayers and best wishes during this holiday season.”

Kwanzaa ends Thursday Jan. 1.

article by Tonya Jameson via

GBN Wishes You and Yours A Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving