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Posts tagged as “health and wellness”

Black People Let’s Stop Just Surviving – It’s Time To Thrive! 8-Minute Power Shot with Dena (WATCH)

Over the past few months, TEDx speaker, performance coach and GBN’s “This Way Forward” contributor Dena Crowder has offered “Power Shot” guides on Mental Health and Well-Being, Transforming Trauma, Tapping into our Own Power to Affect Meaningful Change, Divining our Worth and Transforming the Internalized Face of Power.

This week, Dena offers an eight-minute Power Shot to help Black people move beyond the survival skills we’ve necessarily developed and employed to stay alive over the centuries into ones that allow us to live fully and thrive — on our own terms. Watch:

TEDx Speaker Dena Crowder Offers 5-Minute Guide on Divining Your Own Worth (WATCH)

For centuries, enslaved Africans were brought to America and had their worth literally determined in dollars and cents on an auction block.

This legacy of being bartered, traded, valued and devalued systemically and arbitrarily has been intrinsic to the African-American experience – a legacy that persists in many ways and is in serious need of transformation.

TEDx speaker, performance coach and GBN’s “This Way Forward” contributor Dena Crowder  today offers a five-minute“Power Shot” to aid and guide us on divining and defining our own worth. Watch: