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Posts tagged as “Happy New Year”

Good Black News Wishes You and Yours a Happy (and Healing) New Year

Good Black News would like to kick off 2021 by thanking our readers and followers, old and new, for working so hard to persevere, create community and foster change in 2020 even in the face of a global pandemic, nationwide protests and political sea changes.

We sincerely wish the best of everything to you and your loved ones in 2021 and beyond. Happy New Year!

Good Black News Wishes You and Yours a Very Happy New Year!

Good Black News would like to kick off this new decade by thanking our readers and followers, old and new, for making 2019 another strong year of progress and perseverance. Even when times and events are challenging, your steady support always keeps us going!

Please continue to read, share and spread the word as GBN continues to strive to share positive information with you as often as we can as much as we can.

Best of everything to you in 2020 and beyond. Happy New Year!

GBN Wishes You and Yours a Very Happy New Year

Good Black News would like to start 2019 off by thanking our readers and followers, old and new, for making 2018 yet another year of progress and perseverance. Even when times and events are challenging, your steady support always keeps us going!

Please continue to read, share and spread the word as we continue to strive to share positive information with you as often as we can as much as we can.  Happy New Year!

Good Black News Wishes You a Happy New Year!

Good Black News would like to thank our fans and followers, old and new, for making 2016 an unforgettable year of growth, progress and perseverance for us.  Please continue to read, share and spread the word as we continue to strive to share information with you about positive actions, events, changes and people in 2017 and beyond.  Happy New Year!
Lori Lakin Hutcherson, GBN Founder and Editor-In-Chief

GBN Wishes You A Happy New Year!

happy new year 2015
Good Black News would like to thank our fans and followers, old and new, for making 2014 a grand year of growth and progress for us.  Please continue to read, share and spread the word as we continue to strive to find and share information with you about the best of everything in 2015 and beyond.  Happy New Year!
Lori Lakin Hutcherson, GBN Founder and Editor-In-Chief

GBN Wishes You A Happy New Year!

Good Black News would like to thank all of our fans and followers, old and new, for making 2012 a fantastic, expansive year for us.  Please continue to read, share and spread the word as we will do our best to bring you more positive news in 2013 and beyond.  Happy New Year!
Lori Lakin Hutcherson, GBN Founder and Editor-In-Chief