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Posts tagged as “Greg Silverman”

Warner Bros. to Address Hollywood Diversity Issue with New Directors Workshop

warner bros WP Warner Brothers

article by Justin Kroll via
Warner Bros. is continuing its efforts to tackle Hollywood’s diversity problem by launching an emerging film directors workshop, a talent incubator designed to give access and voice to new and underrepresented talent.  The studio will begin accepting applications next month and hopes to have the workshop up and running by the end of the third quarter.
The emerging film directors workshop will provide aspiring helmers from underrepresented communities with the opportunity to showcase their work to the film world after an intensive nine-month fellowship at Warner Bros. participants will be partnered with a Warner Bros. executive mentor as they work through the entire film production process, from pitch to final cut to premiere. The inaugural class will have five filmmakers.
“Our emerging film directors workshop continues Warner Bros.’ commitment to being the industry’s most talent-focused studio,” said Greg Silverman, Warner Bros.’ president of creative development and worldwide production. “There are so many bright, creative individuals at the threshold, who just need access to bring their vision and voice to a bigger audience. By providing that access, as well as a professional network and funding for a short film, Warner Bros. will play a small part in developing the next generation of great storytellers, whether they work in film or television, at our studio or elsewhere.”
Silverman came up with the plan and spearheaded the program, which has been in development for about two years.
Designed to re-create the features production process on a micro level, the workshop will have participants pitch, write or work with a screenwriter, and develop a script for a short film that’s three to 10 minutes long and budgeted at $100,000. Once they have a final screenplay, filmmakers will work with physical production to prep, create a budget, cast, shoot on the lot and edit with a full post-production process. Warner Bros. will cover all production costs and salary for filmmakers for the duration of the workshop.
The workshop will culminate in a film festival showcasing the directors’ work that will be held for agents, managers, producers and film executives from across the industry. More information on the program and the application process can be found here.
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Warner Bros Turns To Franklin Leonard's "The Black List" To Find Screenwriters In Under-Served Demos

Franklin Leonard

EXCLUSIVE: After using The Black List as a way to scout screenplays worth buying, Warner Bros has made the first alliance between a major studio and Franklin Leonard‘s screenplay evaluation service. The goal is to give opportunities to scribes who might not otherwise get a chance. Using the diversity guidelines from the WGA‘s Executive Summary that shows how far out of the mainstream minorities, women and some other groups are in the makeup of working screenwriters, The Black List will recommend a short list of five writers every six months who come from what the WGA identified as an under-served scribe demographic.

One of those writers will be offered by Warner Bros a two-step blind script deal worth around $93,000. The initial plan is for this program to run for two years, which will mean deals for four writers will get a foot in the door. The first short list of writers will be turned over to Warner Bros around Thanksgiving.
“For a black kid from Georgia, I’m acutely aware of the access issues the industry struggles with, and I’m excited to be part of a first step toward addressing this,” Leonard told me. “I’m optimstic that other organizations in the industry will access this also, both for the purposes of diversity, but also for the benefit of their bottom lines.” Leonard said the program will target “primarily writers of color and women, but also older writers as well, with pre and early baby boomers falling into that category.”
The aspirants can’t have made more than $25,000 from screenwriting fees over their careers, which eliminates scribes who haven’t sold a script in a good long time. “The intent here is to find new voices, and that ceiling is similar to the one used by the Nicholl Fellowship,” said Leonard, who added the relationship with Warner Bros is non-exclusive and came out of an overture from worldwide feature film production head Greg Silverman. The studio has had luck discovering talent through The Black List; most recently it gave a blind script deal to San Francisco ad exec Richard Cordiner after reading his script about the making of the film Jaws.
Leonard is a former exec at Universal, Mirage and most recently Overbrook before he left last fall to focus full time on The Black List with partner Dino Sijamic. The service serves two roles: annually, it canvases 500 development execs to cull a Black List of the best unmade screenplays. It makes money through its team of 40 readers who evaluated about 5500 scripts in the last nine months, and features the best of those submissions in a weekly report that is circulated to 2000 industry professionals who subscribe. WGA members can list information about their scripts free of charge, and outsiders pay $25 to have their scripts uploaded. A critical evaluation of the script costs $50. Those participating in that process can opt in to the Warner Bros. program, with the information accessible through
article by Mike Fleming Jr. via