After making history as the first female artist to have 100 hits on Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs charts, Aretha Franklin blazes yet another trail as the first recipient of Billboard Women in Music’s Icon Award.
Franklin’s latest achievement was announced by Billboard, which gives the award to a female artist whose music has helped shape the industry. Although Jennifer Lopez received an Icon Award last year at the Billboard Music Awards, Franklin’s honor marks the first time the award has been at Billboard’s annual Women in Music awards luncheon.
The event, which will also honor Ariana Grande for Rising Star and Idina Menzel for Breakthrough Artist of the Year, will take place Dec. 12.
The Billboard Women in Music awards recognize female music executives for helping to make a difference in the music industry.
article by Qwest7 via
Posts tagged as “Billboard Magazine”

Those numbers are from the singers’ respective official VEVO pages on YouTube, Billboard notes. Rihanna also edges out Bieber in YouTube subscribers (8.73 million to 3.7 million) and Facebook likes (72.3 million to 54.3 million).
Where Bieber continues to reign supreme, however, is Twitter. The teen idol has over 40 million followers, putting him ahead of even Lady Gaga, who was in the lead on the social networking platform for some time.
What can account for Rihanna’s global dominance? For one, the singer appeals to a wider demographic of listeners, including urban audiences and an older fan base than Bieber has been able to tap into. Bieber’s latest efforts, particularly 2012’s “Believe,” see the 19-year-old doing his best to acquire older fans without alienating his teen and young adult base, but the jury’s still out on just how successful these efforts have been.
This month’s Billboard magazine’s Stars Tribute issue honors iconic singing legend, Chaka Khan, for her 60th birthday and the 40 anniversary of her career in entertainment. “Chaka has always been an innovator as an artist,” says Tammy McCrary of Chaka Khan Management. “In today’s market, it is just as important to be innovative technologically. This is why we chose to partner with Printergize.”
The new mobile app will go directly to, where Chaka’s Billboard magazine cover image will come to life through the Augmented Reality app. At that moment, users will see Chaka introduce her 100 Days of Chaka campaign, which marks the 100 days from her birthday (March 23) to the anniversary of the release of her first recorded album with Rufus, “Rufus” (July 1, 1973), 40 years ago. This timeline will highlight daily, a series of historic moments in Chaka’s career, mixed with celebratory current events. The 100 Days of Chaka culminates with the release of “The iKhan Project: Alive!” on July 2nd.
article by Brittney M. Walker via Chaka Khan on the Cover of Billboard for 60th Birthday | EURweb.