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Posts tagged as “APA”

American Psychological Association Apologizes for Role in Promoting, Perpetuating, and Failing to Challenge Racism in U.S.

The American Psychological Association recently issued a detailed statement owning up to and apologizing for not only for its own role in perpetuating systemic racism in the U.S., but for the role the field of psychology as a whole has also played in systemically denigrating people of color for decades.

“APA is profoundly sorry, accepts responsibility for, and owns the actions and inactions of APA itself, the discipline of psychology, and individual psychologists who stood as leaders for the organization and field,” a portion of the statement reads.

“In addition, recognizing that many existing historical records and narratives have been centered in Whiteness, APA also concluded that it was imperative to capture oral history and the lived experiences of communities of color, so commissioned a series of listening sessions and surveys, which also inform this resolution.

“The narrative that emerged from the listening sessions, surveys, and historical findings put into stark amplification the impact of well-known and lesser-known actions. It leaves us, as APA leaders, with profound regret and deep remorse for the long-term impact of our failures as an association, a discipline, and as individual psychologists.”

To quote from

The APA’s apology also admits that it should have come sooner, but stated that many in the field have failed to take responsibility, even amid continued discussions.

The resolution comes after the APA last year launched an number of projects intended to delve more deeply into the effects of systemic racism in the field of psychology throughout history, work that was done in preparation for writing an informed apology.

One endeavor was a chronological history of racism in the field of psychology, which has been made available online.

“In offering an apology for these harms, APA acknowledges that recognition and apology only ring true when accompanied by action; by not only bringing awareness of the past into the present but in acting to ensure reconciliation, repair, and renewal,” the resolution reads. “We stand committed to purposeful intervention, and to ensuring that APA, the field of psychology, and individual psychologists are leaders in both benefiting society and improving lives.”

The APA passed two other resolutions: one describes the work the APA and the field of psychology must engage in to dismantle racism in society, while the other announces its commitment to eradicating inequality in health and healthcare.

APA President Jennifer F. Kelly, Ph.D. (photo via

APA President Jennifer F. Kelly, PhD, acknowledged in a press release that, despite the steps that have been taken, there is much more work to be done.

“For the first time, APA and American psychology are systematically and intentionally examining, acknowledging and charting a path forward to address their roles in perpetuating racism,” Kelly said.

“These resolutions are just the first steps in a long process of reconciliation and healing. This important work will set the path for us to make real change and guide the association and psychology moving forward.”

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Tedx Speaker Dena Crowder Offers 3-Minute Guide On Our Mental Health and Well-Being During the Pandemic (WATCH)

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S., and in the age of the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are finding our mental well-being challenged in unexpected, extraordinary ways.

Black and Brown Americans are hit hard by both – first by disproportionately suffering the physical and financial effects of the COVID-19 crisis, on top of being, according to Medical News Today, more likely to suffer higher rates of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) than White Americans.

According to studies by the American Psychological Association (APA), minorities experience a significant degree of marginalization and discrimination, which can stifle socioeconomic growth as well as access to healthcare, including formal mental health support.

So, in the spirit of aiding those who don’t have the opportunity, access to, or much time for mental healthcare, Tedx speaker, performance coach and GBN’s “This Way Forward” contributor Dena Crowder has put together a three-minute “Power Shot” with some guiding words and a quick breath exercise that can help you re-center in these overwhelming times:

Enjoy… and breathe!

(Dena Crowder:; IG: dena.crowder)

Dena Crowder (photo courtesy Dena Crowder)