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Posts tagged as “#AOLSportsSearch”

#AOLSportsSearch: Try Out for Chance to Become AOL Sportscaster

Ever dream of becoming a sportscaster? Well, AOL wants to give you that chance. On Monday, November 17, AOL Sports is holding try outs for its new show.
A video of you that shows your personality, knowledge and passion for sports. Cover any sports topic you’d like to –- just make sure it’s entertaining!
In person: On Monday, November 17, go to AOL Studios in New York or Los Angeles at 9 a.m. ET/ 6 a.m. PT. We will close the doors to auditions at 12 p.m. ET/ 9 a.m. PT.
OR if you can’t make it: go on Twitter, Instagram or Vine and submit your video by using hashtag #AOLSportsSearch.
Those chosen that are based in Los Angeles will enjoy a free flight that night to New York for a Tuesday appearance in studio. We will fly in top contenders with winning social-media submissions if not based in New York for Tuesday’s in-studio session.
AOL’s new sportscaster will be announced on Wednesday, November 19 on
For additional information, email or tweet to @AOLSports.
#AOLSportsSearch Live Auditions
Live Casting Call: Monday, November 17th
New York City
9 a.m. EST- 12 p.m. EST
AOL New York Studios
770 Broadway
New York City
*Doors close at 12pm, First come, first serve
Los Angeles
6 a.m. PST- 9 a.m. PST
AOL Los Angeles Studios
331 North Maple Drive
Beverly Hills
*Doors close at 9am, First come, first serve
Terms and Conditions | Contest rules
article by Lori Lakin Hutcherson