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Good Black News

MUSIC MONDAY: “Knock Me A Kiss” – A Tribute to Louis Jordan (LISTEN)

[Photo: Louis Jordan at the Paramount Theater in 1946. By William P. Gottlieb]

by Marlon West (FB: marlon.west1 Twitter: @marlonw IG: stlmarlonwest Spotify: marlonwest)

Since the 1960s, especially when it came to emerging British rockers, the roots of Rock ’n Roll were a direct line to “authentic” Blues players. (Mainly men, but that’s the subject for another playlist.)

It’s mainly true, but it leaves out Country music, and in what Bullseye with Jesse Thorn host Jesse Thorn called “the race to find the most hard-scrabble weathered bluesman from the fields of Alabama or Mississippi or wherever” also ignores Jazz dance music.

Hugely popular in its day, it followed the big band era and was the springboard for Rhythm & Blues. Particularly the genre of “Jam Blues” and its trail-blazing, funny, and brash master of the game: Louis Jordan.

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When it became too expensive for big bands to tour in the 1940s, Jordan led a revolution by cutting his band in half. The Tympany Five was a horn section, drums, guitar, bass, and piano. Jordan played saxophone and sang lead vocals himself, which was a rare move at the time.

The NAACP and LeBron James’s “More Than A Vote” Initiative Attracts 10,000 Volunteer Poll Workers

According to, the collective of athletes headlined by NBA superstar LeBron James called More Than a Vote, announced Wednesday that its mission to increase the number of poll workers in Black electoral districts has already amassed 10,000 volunteers.

To quote the New York Times:

The effort, which is called “We Got Next” and is a collaboration with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, will be highlighted during the first game of the NBA Finals between the Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Lakers, the team featuring Mr. James.

During the game, first-time poll workers will be among the virtual fans, seated alongside basketball legends including Dwyane Wade, Shaquille O’Neal and Julius Erving.

In a release provided to The New York Times, More Than a Vote and the Legal Defense Fund said the second phase of their push would be more targeted, aimed at 11 cities “where significant poll worker shortages remain,” the release said.

Those cities include Black voter hubs in the South, like Birmingham, Jackson, Houston, San Antonio and Montgomery, as well as cities with significant Black populations in critical battleground states: Charlotte, Cleveland, Detroit, Flint, Milwaukee and Philadelphia.

There has been a shortage of volunteer poll workers for in-person voting sites across the nation, due to COVID-19 and other factors. The dearth is particularly felt in Black communities, which have historically experienced longer wait times and have had fewer polling locations than many white communities.

To read more:

MUSIC: “Someday We’ll All Be Free” – 75-Song Tribute to Late Soul Legend Donny Hathaway on His 75th (LISTEN)

by Jeff Meier (FB: Jeff.Meier.90)

Today is the 75th birthday of the late Donny Hathaway, who we are honoring here at Good Black News with our 75-song Spotify salute – “Someday We’ll All Be Free – The Donny Hathaway Master Collection”.

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In this chaotic time, is there a more prescient song/collective societal wish than Donny’s iconic composition, “Someday We’ll All Be Free”?

California Becomes 1st U.S. State to Create Proposals for Reparations to Descendants of Enslaved People

[Photo: Reparations bill author and CA Assembly member Shirley Weber (D-San Diego)]

According to, California Governor Gavin Newsom today signed Assembly Bill 3121, which makes the Golden State the first in the U.S. to formally adopt a law to study and develop proposals for potential reparations to descendants of enslaved people and those impacted by slavery.

Newsom said the new law, authored by CA Assembly member Shirley Weber (D-San Diego), and  the bipartisan support for its passage are proving “a paradigm that we hope will be resonant all across the United States.”

To quote the Los Angeles Times:

In a year of national protests against racial injustice, state lawmakers approved Assembly Bill 3121 to force the state to begin to confront its racist history and systemic disparities that persist today.

Although California entered the Union as a “free state” in 1850, slavery continued there after the state Constitution outlawed it the previous year. Slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1865.

The new law creates a task force to recommend appropriate remedies to the state Legislature and determine who should be eligible to receive compensation, which advocates hope will become a model in a country where movements to make amends for centuries of slavery have failed to gain traction at the federal level.

“California has come to terms with many of its issues, but it has yet to come to terms with its role in slavery,” said Weber. “We’re talking about really addressing the issues of justice and fairness in this country that we have to address.”

Issa Rae Joins Sienna Naturals Hair Care Company as Co-Owner and Spokesperson

According to, Insecure creator and star Issa Rae will serve as the face of the Sienna Naturals and join founder Hannah Diop as co-owner of the brand.

Rae, who showcases the versatility of natural hair in her award-winning HBO series, is a friend of Diop’s and respects Diop for creating and promoting a clean beauty brand for Black women.

To quote

“I’ve known Hannah for a long time, and I got to see the brand evolve from her home. It’s expanded so much beyond that. The care and the research that has gone into this natural, safe, healthy brand, I knew that I wanted to be involved,” [Rae] explained in a statement. “We get coerced into manipulating our hair into styles not right for us, or using damaging products. I have an opportunity to make hair care digestible via my sense of humor, my openness to my own hair struggle.”

Sienna Naturals, the eco-conscious natural hair brand beloved for its toxic-free hair care products is returning with larger product sizes, accessible price points, and updated packaging. What’s more, the brand will also introduce Salon in a Box, which is packed with everything you need to make your wash day as seamless as possible.

You can sign up for the pre-launch waitlist and updates on future Sienna Natural launches here.

Read more:

Michael Kiwanuka Wins 2020 Mercury Prize For Best British Album

According to, The 2020 Mercury Prize for the year’s best British album has gone to Michael Kiwanuka for his self-titled album, Kiwanuka.

The son of Ugandan immigrants to the U.K, Kiwanuka won this third time after having been nominated twice before for previous albums: Home Again (2012) and Love & Hate (2016).

To quote from The Guardian:

“I’m over the moon, so so excited,” he said on receiving the prize. “This [prize] is for art, for music, for albums – it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do, so to win a Mercury is a dream come true… It’s blown my mind.” He wins £25,000.

His album, released in November 2019, draws equally from folk and soul as the songwriter sings of freedom, love, and struggles both personal and collective; one track samples protests during the 1960s US civil rights movement. It was described in a Guardian review as a “bold, expansive, heartfelt, sublime album. He’s snuck in at the final whistle, but surely this is among the decade’s best.” It reached No 2 on release, and spent 18 weeks in the UK charts.

He thanked his producers, Inflo and Danger Mouse, “some of the best musicians, artists, creatives around, they’ve really helped me grow.” Asked why he given the album his name, he said he had experienced “imposter syndrome … it was taking things away from the experience of doing my dream job. So I made a decision when I was making this album that I wanted to be myself, enjoy it, and not hold back, and show myself as clear as I can be.”

Kiwanuka said an additional reason why his 2019 release title was eponymous was to honor his African heritage.

MUSIC MONDAY: Playlist Celebrating the Detroit Roots of Techno (LISTEN)

(Kevin Saunderson, Derrick May and Juan Atkins in Detroit / Photo credit: Unknown)

Techno has come to be associated with European club culture, but it was born from the Black community in Detroit. It was originally revolutionary protest music. Techno was born of African-American struggle.

Detroit DJs Robert Hood, Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson, and Derrick May are known as the originators of techno. They fused funk, disco, and gospel beyond recognition in the ‘80s.

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To quote Robert Hood: “Techno is the struggle of black artists that came from nothing, had nothing—[I was] blessed to share this music.”

This collection celebrates the originators as well as current Black women and nonbinary DJs and producers, like Tati au Miel and Nonku Phiri, that have had to carve out space in the scene too.

Enjoy! And as always stay safe, sane, and kind.

And vote!!

Marlon West (photo courtesy Marlon West)

(FB: marlon.west1 Twitter: @marlonw IG: stlmarlonwest Spotify: marlonwest)

“Surprise! We’re Still Making Great Music!” – Playlist of New Songs to Savor from 30 R&B/Soul Favorites (LISTEN)

by Jeff Meier (FB: Jeff.Meier.90)

Many of our Spotify playlists on Good Black News celebrate the songs of years past – but today we’re going to twist it up a little.

With our Surprise! We’re Still Making Great Music playlist, we’re going to spotlight 30 favorite artists from throughout the years who you maybe didn’t know had something new to offer.

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With major record companies so focused on the youth/hip hop market, it’s often just part of the accepted path of a musician that after the hit-making years are over, an artist’s career shifts – sometimes concerts/touring, sometimes acting/performing in musicals, sometimes just retiring or changing careers.

But as the technology for recording gets less expensive, and the ability to distribute music electronically becomes simpler – more and more favorite acts are deciding to record new music.  However, just because they’ve made new music, doesn’t mean its been easy for us to find out about it.  Not many radio stations play new soul from veteran artists, and on the streaming services, these tracks are often not well-promoted – even to their likely audiences.

So we started exploring, and we’ve stumbled across dozens of fresh recordings from artists that we haven’t checked out in awhile, often in decades! Some artists have been recording all along – and we didn’t realize it. Some seem to be testing the waters – can they reignite their fanbase? And, this year in particular, with musicians stuck at home – and with news events and protests inspiring the artistic desire to say something, many are using their art to address the politics of today.

So, here are 30 favorite artists (+ one bonus artist) – a mixture of men, women, and groups with recent music from the last couple years you can check out now electronically.  Let us know in the comments who you are happy to see back in action behind the mic:

Rep. Lauren Underwood Takes Over as Chair of House Cybersecurity Panel

According to, Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) will take over as chair of the House Homeland Security Committee‘s subcommittee on cybersecurity, infrastructure protection and innovation. 

Underwood, who serves as vice chair of the full Homeland Security panel, will take over the subcommittee chair position from Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.). Richmond in turn is taking a position on the House Ways and Means Committee, to fill the seat previously held by the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.).

“Dear Lori”: My Black Answers to Even More Questions About White Privilege

by Lori Lakin Hutcherson, GBN Editor-in-Chief

Before I get started with the Q&A, I’m going to share some backstory behind why I’ve decided to create this “Dear Lori” column for Good Black News:

Four years ago I wrote an essay called “What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege” that ended up going viral and getting re-published by several large outlets in 2016, 2017, 2018, and once again this summer.

Each time my white privilege piece circulates, I get a rush of emails, posts, messages, comments, tweets and DMs from new readers. Most are positive, some negative, some hilarious (between “laugh or cry,” I choose “laugh”) and inevitably, some questioning. I try my best to respond individually, but sometimes it’s way too overwhelming a task. Like during the last rush right after Christian Cooper, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and the nationwide protests.

I did find the energy in late May to write “A Letter to Friends Who Really Want to End Racism” on my personal Facebook page in an attempt to share my thoughts on how to move forward pro-actively. My sister (and GBN co-editor) Lesa encouraged me to publish it on GBN as well. I did, and that piece had its own extra flutter of internet life, too.

I texted Lesa to say her instincts were right again (in 2016 she predicted “What I Said…” would go viral before I posted it) and she responded in spotty text talk: You speak super Black pride and really wanna be woke white — needs to be shared!

Her words gave me a much-needed chuckle during a fraught pandemic shopping trip in a bare-shelved Whole Foods. They also helped crystallize my thoughts on what I might be able to uniquely contribute to the movement for equity and justice.