2. Pile on the veggies! Avoid heavy sides. Traveling alone tends to make me bloat and breakout. I’ve found that tons of veggies with my meals cuts down on both!
3. Pack some meal prep. When I know I’ll be traveling for a few days, I pack protein shake packets in my checked luggage and do a meal replacement each day. If you’re traveling within the U.S., you can even pack other items like nuts, trailmix and nutrition bars to have healthier snack options at hand.
4. Protein is your best friend. This is especially true when you’re hungry at the airport. With the exception of a few forward thinking airports, most hubs only have fast food dives to choose from. Even still you can cut down on the guilt when ordering by choosing lean proteins. And pick things that are Grilled, broiled, steamed, roasted, baked or poached.
5. Grocery shop. If you’re roadtripping it, invest $20 or so bucks in a cooler and pack fresh fruits, veggies and deli proteins to munch on. If your staying in a hotel, take advantage of the mini fridge! When I’m flying out of town the first thing I do after check in is find where the grocery store or Bodega is and buy fruits and healthy snacks to keep in the room (think almonds!) so I don’t have to rely on room service or the mini bar when I get hungry.
article by Devi Dev via blackamericaweb.com