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Chef Bryant Terry Selected For State Department’s American Chef Corps

IATP Food and Community Fellow and vegan chef Bryant Terry was named a member of the American Chef Corps, part of the State Department’s Diplomatic Culinary Partnership. The American Chef Corps will create a network of more than eighty culinary leaders dedicated to sharing the diverse culinary traditions of the United States by hosting meals for diplomats and providing cooking demonstrations at home or abroad, among other opportunities.In a video address, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton explains the unlikely alliance between the State Department and this network of America’s top chefs: “Food isn’t traditionally thought of as a diplomatic tool, but I think it’s the oldest diplomatic tool. Sharing a meal can help people transcend boundaries and build bridges in a way that nothing else can.”

Although some have aruged that the list of chefs is a bit East Coast-centric, the new program overall represents an important recognition of the power of food from plate to politics.

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