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MLB Legend Hank Aaron Defends NFL QB Colin Kaepernick: ‘He's Getting a Raw Deal’

Hank Aaron (l); Colin Kaepernick (r) [via]
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Halfway through the NFL preseason schedule, Colin Kaepernick is still unemployed. Despite teams like the Baltimore Ravens and Miami Dolphins recently shopping for another quarterback to add to their rosters, no one has elected to sign Kaepernick. A variety of sports figures have expressed their disappointment in NFL teams appearing to blackball the 29-year-old – from Mark Cuban to Dick Vitale to Johnny Manziel.
Add 83-year-old MLB legend Hank Aaron to the long list of Kaepernick supporters. During an interview with journalist Roland Martin posted to YouTube, Aaron said:

“I think he’s getting a raw deal. I’ve been watching pro ball for a long time, and I think that if you look at all the quarterbacks in the league right now, I think you have to say he is one, two, three, four. I don’t think anybody can do the things that he (does). So I just wish somebody would open up and give him a chance to do his thing and say, ‘Hey, he’s entitled to whatever he did, and let’s forget about it.’”

Last season while playing for the San Francisco 49ers, Kaepernick sat and kneeled during the national anthem, protesting racial injustice and oppression. Although Kaepernick isn’t on a roster, several players have demonstrated during the national anthem in their own ways during the preseason, including Michael Bennett, Derek Carr, Malcolm Jenkins and Chris Long.
When Martin asked Aaron if he wanted to see more NFL players stand with Kaepernick and his message, Aaron said:“I’d love to see some other players stand with him. I would love that. I think it would give him some incentive. I think it would help him. I think the thing that bothers me about this whole situation is the fact that he has gone to all these camps, I suppose, and nobody seems to think he stands a chance of being No. 1. Here’s a man, a young player that almost carried a team to a championship – to the Super Bowl. I remember that.”
Aaron also said he believes Kaepernick remaining unsigned is a decision made by team owners, rather than general managers. To see full video of Aaron’s remarks, watch  below:

To read original article, go to: Hank Aaron defends Colin Kaepernick: ‘Give him a chance’ | For The Win

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  1. Edward Edward August 27, 2017

    What ndeds to happen is that players stand together with him. Also. Have players association tell the to not play or all protest begore each game. 2. Tell viewers quit buying products advertised during commercials.
    Beer, cigaretres, and all the rest of the products. Quit buying team jerseys. Then you will see sponsors put pressure on NFL to get this done.

  2. Edward Edward August 27, 2017

    What ndeds to happen is that players stand together with him. Also. Have players association tell the to not play or all protest begore each game. 2. Tell viewers quit buying products advertised during commercials.
    Beer, cigaretres, and all the rest of the products. Quit buying team jerseys. Then you will see sponsors put pressure on NFL to get this done.

  3. Paul Flynn Paul Flynn August 27, 2017

    What needs to happen is that people need to realize that there is a consequence to ones actions.

    • mightybh mightybh August 27, 2017

      Don’t you think he has suffered enough. True justice is paying for it once. Injustice is paying for it over and over again. Let’s stop hiding behind the flag and move on. He is getting a raw deal plain and simple. The world changes when people are willing to stand up for what they believe in.

  4. purpleslobinrecovery purpleslobinrecovery August 28, 2017

    I believe what he did was wrong. We are all Americans, and the flag unites us.
    Thank you for posting this. I believe in the freedom of speech!

  5. KP KP August 29, 2017

    We should value freedom and our fellow Americans over flags and anthems.

  6. John Deegan John Deegan August 30, 2017

    no raw deal. Disrespectful to our military and all Americans. Not much of a qb anyway.
    I stopped watching baseball after 9/11, when the bb teams went on strike for more money. The apathy made me sick.
    I stopped watching football when this ,”take a knee”, thing started.

  7. Edie Murphy Edie Murphy September 4, 2017

    I feel my countrys flag,that was raised at iwo jima,in the heat of battle. to inspire our soldiers forward,deserves respect. however,i feel it unjust if he is on a no hire has nothing to do with his not honoring our flag. that is wrong also

  8. PrayThroughHistory PrayThroughHistory November 12, 2017

    I think he has been given a chance Mr. Aaron. One in a million chance to be a pro ball player. Something most people can only dream about.
    In light of the NFL controversies, do you think there are perspectives on race outside the scope of Colin Kaepernick and BLM? Can he be part in the right and part in the wrong?
    Of course he can protest at work as all Americans can. But here’s what he may be missing; protest may cost you something if you do it “on the clock”. I think there is a huge gap in players failing to understand the lives of their fans. I think there is a major lack of humility in many youth movements, and that is why they may be successful in short-term, revolutionary gains, but fail to establish lasting consensus and long-term change. Why?
    It’s easier to break someone or something down, than persuade and change the heart of your opponent.
    Do you know that Democrats and Progressives are responsible for:
    a. the Trail of Tears ?
    b. 100% of slave owners at the time of the Civil War?
    c. 100% of the leadership of slave states at the time of the Civil War?
    d. Eugenics that led to abortion and sterilization on the basis of race in US that was an example to Nazi’s for Holocaust?
    e. Japanese interment camps in WWII?
    All parties, people, and individuals are guilty of ignorance. Check out these questions and see what you find? Thanks!

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