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ELECTION DAY: Change Is Gonna Come… If We Vote!

GBN Co-Editor Lesa Lakin and Editor-in-Chief Lori Lakin Hutcherson voting in 2020

We have been living through the 2020 pandemic, protests, economic crisis and all too real and recent attempts at voter suppression happening across the U.S.

And the last thing anyone needs right now is another long article on the importance of voting. So here it is as succinctly as we can put it:

VOTING the one thing we can do to help ourselves and to help others.

To create the opportunity for change that embraces and includes instead of divides and excludes.

GBN supports the Biden/Harris ticket, because they are about embracing, including, bettering.

The other is not.

So if you haven’t already, please, get to a voting center… and help! ( can tell you where if you don’t know)

Onward and upward,

The Good Black News Editorial Staff



  1. robinmagee robinmagee November 3, 2020

    Thank You GBN!!! Here in NC it is going to come down to whether or not a few people voted. Please go make that difference where ever you are!!

    • goodblacknews goodblacknews Post author | November 3, 2020

      Thank u! Let’s make a difference!

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