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Kanye West and Chick-Fil-A Partner to Distribute 300,000 Meals to Families in Need During Covid-19 Crisis

Kanye West and fast-food chicken restaurant Chick-Fil-A have partnered to distribute 300,000 meals through the Los Angeles Dream Center to those in need during the Coronavirus pandemic.

According to, over 300,000 meals have already been served through the Los Angeles Dream Center since mid-March.

“Every morning I wake up and stand in the parking lot with our dedicated staff, I am blown away that day after day, week after week, there is enough food to provide to folks that need it,” Matthew Barnett, Dream Center co-founder, said in a statement to Fox News.

The Dream Center’s doors open seven days a week, from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., to provide food and other essential items.

Because of Kanye West’s support, Fox reported, Barnett said they were able to expand their drive-thru meals to delivering to vulnerable seniors who need to remain isolated in their homes.

Chick-Fil-A came under fire when it was revealed that they had been donating funds for years to anti-LGBTQ Christian organizations. Once they faced public backlash, Chick-Fil-A promised to discontinue their support of the groups, in a November 2019 statement about their new giving strategy. In 2020, Chick-Fil-A promised to focus on promoting youth education, combating youth homelessness, and fighting hunger.

Though West and Chick-Fil-A have been politically controversial in recent years, working to feed Americans grappling with the new reality of food shortages, lost jobs and quarantined living, seems like a positive step for both.

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