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Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Manuel Helps to Provide Free Swim Lessons for Every Student at LeBron James’ I Promise School

GBN just learned from about Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer Simone Manuel‘s recent visit to LeBron James‘ “I Promise” school in Akron, OH.

We are happy to report that as an ambassador for the USA Swimming Foundation, Manuel did not just talk the talk, but plans to swim the swim! She is helping provide free swim lessons to every student at I Promise during a week-long camp in June of this year.

To read more details, go to

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  1. vitaminlover vitaminlover March 10, 2019

    This is nice!

  2. nygurl nygurl March 11, 2019

    This is great because so many people take the ability to swim for granted but in my family only 2 people can swim. Every summer there are swimming tragedies and this could help.

  3. shaunaupp shaunaupp March 21, 2019

    Hello GBN! Do you mind if I share a link to this post on our Women’s History blog? We have featured Manuel​ and would love to include this post.

    • goodblacknews goodblacknews Post author | March 21, 2019

      Don’t mind at all! Please share away!

      • shaunaupp shaunaupp March 21, 2019

        Thank you!! Now I just have to figure out how… (:

  4. nygurl nygurl April 26, 2019

    Great! Good for Simone because so many children of color don’t know how to swim and every summer you hear about swimming tragedies. Only 2 members of my family can swim and that may have been different if this sort of program existed.

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