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Serena Williams Embraces Motherhood on Cover of Vanity Fair

Serena Williams (photo via

by Lori Lakin Hutcherson (@lakinhutcherson)
According to, Serena Williams recently paid homage to the famous Vanity Fair cover of a nude, pregnant Demi Moore, by having the same photographer, Annie Leibovitz, shoot her recent pregnancy cover in a similar pose (the hand on that hip though – all Serena). Leibovitz also shot all of the story’s photos, including black-and-white images of Williams with Alexis Ohanian, her Armenian-American fiancé who co-founded Reddit.
The cover story focuses on Williams and Ohanian’s account of their year-and-a-half courtship, engagement last December and her subsequent pregnancy. Williams also discusses her plan to return to tennis in January, roughly three months after her child’s anticipated birthdate.
Read the article and view the full set of photos here.

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  1. Peggy Burns Peggy Burns July 3, 2017

    Sporting artificial hair and carrying a white man’s seed. What an insult and blow to our African ancestors. Exposing her nakedness to the world is the behavior of white aliens. Baba John Henrik Clarke said, and it would apply to a situation in reverse–such as this Black woman/white man, “A Black man cannot produce a 100% African child between the legs of a white woman.”
    Her father, during an interview, emphatically stated that the white man has hated him all of his life and he has hated them right back. I wonder what trauma he, the man who made Serena into the person that she is today, is suffering as a result of her bad choice in selecting a white alien to procreate with. Genuine fellowship does not exist, and never has, existed between Black (divine spirit) and white alien (luciferian spirit) which are complete opposites.
    What a cultural blast and this relationship isn’t going to last when the novelty of ‘the catch’ reaches the end of its short rope. Mark my words. Lust dies quickly, love endures.

  2. Fungirl91 Fungirl91 July 4, 2017

    I concur, Serena Williams looks beautiful. Black women are blessed. We can wear OUR HAIR, braided, cornrows, natural (like me) long, short, up, locks and weaves (not my choice). As long as, we purchase them from a black owned business. We are free to choose.

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