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Good Black News Wishes You a Happy New Year!

Good Black News would like to thank our fans and followers, old and new, for making 2016 an unforgettable year of growth, progress and perseverance for us.  Please continue to read, share and spread the word as we continue to strive to share information with you about positive actions, events, changes and people in 2017 and beyond.  Happy New Year!
Lori Lakin Hutcherson, GBN Founder and Editor-In-Chief

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  1. sepultura13 sepultura13 January 1, 2017

    Happy New Year to GBN – keep up the fantastic work!

  2. lkeke35 lkeke35 January 1, 2017

    I’m glad I discovered this blog. In today’s political climate we need all the positivity we can get.
    Thank You!

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