article by Dave McNary via Variety.com
Netflix has bought worldwide rights to “Barry,” a week after the young Barack Obama movie premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. The movie is set in New York City with Obama as a college student faced with questions about race, culture, and identity.
“Barry” premiered in the Special Presentations section at the Ryerson Theater on Sept. 10. Variety‘s Owen Glieberman said in his review, “Set in 1981, when Obama was a 20-year-old college student who moved to New York to transfer to Columbia University, the film is rooted in the murky, drifting, sleep-late-and-get-stoned-and-do-whatever nature of college life that the movies almost never get right. This one does, and that’s one reason it feels bracingly authentic.”
Devon Terrell and Anya Taylor-Joy were cast as the leads in “Barry” in March. Vikram Gandhi, whose “Kumare” won the 2011 audience award at SXSW, directed from a screenplay written by novelist Adam Mansbach, who wrote “Go the F**k to Sleep.”
To read more, go to: Toronto: Netflix Buys Young Barack Obama Movie ‘Barry’ | Variety
Hi I amin Canada. As a kid in Montréal the tension was between English and French Canadians. We spoke English at home ; but , I went to a French school. The taunts were not as heavy as those you described; but , none the less nit nice. In 1957 we drove from Montréal to Flotida. In the south we saw some KKK bilboards and my parents expressed anger and told us a bought that. We stopped at a gas stain with a handy store. Restrooms and water fountains were ” white” or “colored” . I looked around and tried bth, there was no difference…in the car I told my mother. She was quite concerned as I could have been in trouble. As an outsider I feel things have improved…more power to you
[…] via Netflix Buys Young Barack Obama Movie ‘Barry’ at Toronto Film Festival — GOOD BLACK NEWS […]
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