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How Community Leader Seymendy Lloyd’s 3rd Grade Reading Initiative is Boosting Graduation Rates

Seymendy Lloyd (photo via
Seymendy Lloyd (photo via

Saymendy Lloyd is many things, but ask anyone who knows her and the simple answer will be savior.
Now, the Maryland mom and activist– well-known in circles for advocating for domestic abuse victims, the formerly incarcerated and community youth – is being celebrated for her selfless efforts by Carmax in a documentary set to air this month.
The documentary will explore Lloyd’s two largest efforts – rehabilitating former inmates and changing the landscape of education as the founder of the Reading Voyage Program at Washington D.C.’s John Burrough’s Elementary School.
According to BrightSideShorts:
She is well-known for her work in local jails, helping to reintegrate former inmates into society through classes on life skills and job preparation.
But it’s her Reading Voyage initiative, aimed at students attending pre-k through third grade, which will likely make all the difference. The critical juncture of reading proficiency by the end of third grade has served as a key predictor of high school graduation and career success. Studies have shown the lack of proficiency at that level correlates with high school dropout and incarceration.
In the midst of a national conversation about both the school-to-prison pipeline and criminal justice reform, Lloyd’s inspiration story is proof that communities are not sitting idly by while policy makers debate their future.
Visit for more on Lloyd’s story.
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  1. Goldsmith Dorothy Goldsmith Dorothy December 7, 2015

    Would like to know more about Mrs. Lloyd, she the exact immage of my mother and myself. It reall eerie but beautiful. Both loving sacraficing and giving.

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