In the wake of funeral services for Sandra Bland this past weekend, Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis has appointed a committee of attorneys from outside his jurisdiction to review findings in the mysterious death of Bland. This committee will review evidence as it continues to be collected, all in an effort to help Mathis sort out the many moving parts of the case.
Mathis made the announcement on Monday, just as the fervor around finding out how exactly the 28-year-old Illinois woman died just three days after a traffic stop in Texas on July 10. Mathis’ office released a toxicology report last Monday, revealing that Bland had marijuana in her system. According to the Chicago Tribune, a pair of experts that reviewed the report for the Associated Press suggested that Bland may have used the drug while in custody.
Mathis said he and the collective of lawyers intend to review “credible evidence and not rumors” according to a report from CBS News. Mathis has much to contend with in that arena, as Bland’s family and supporters are questioning findings that her death was indeed a self-inflicted hanging by way of a plastic trash bag in her Waller County jail cell.
Impacting matters is the dash cam video that caught arresting State Trooper Brian Encinia in action, and the overall aggressive manner in how the officer was moved to handle the escalating situation. In addition to the videos and related evidence available to the public, there has been chatter of Waller County’s racist past with insentience from some that the days of Jim Crow old is still pervasive in the region even in modern times.
Bland, a graduate of Prairie View A&M University, was returning to her alma mater to begin a new position. In a New York Times piece, it was noted that the region has long contended with tension between Black residents and the local police force.
Even Hershel Smith, the constable of the precinct that covers the area where Prairie View sits, has been a victim of the overzealous police in the city of Hempstead. Also telling in the article, Mathis reportedly clashed with Black leadership in the area and even told one Black activist preacher to “jump off a high cliff” in a vulgar text message.
Mathis, who claims to know that Hempstead and Waller County has the reputation of mistreating people of color, claims that the region is not what it once was.
article by D.L. Chandler via newsone.com
[…] goodblacknews In the wake of funeral services for Sandra Bland this past weekend, Waller County District Attorney […]
[…] goodblacknews In the wake of funeral services for Sandra Bland this past weekend, Waller County District Attorney […]
DOJ should be the one to chose.
DOJ should be the one to chose.
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It is really sad when these reports come out and they do there due diligence in making sure a reputation is tarnished, when it appears clearly who the victim is. I don’t understand what the extracurricular activities have to do with this sister supposedly hanging herself with a trash bag. I mean I can’t get my trash bags not to rip on the way to the garbage can, let alone believe that there is one strong enough for a woman to hang herself. So many questions.
It is really sad when these reports come out and they do there due diligence in making sure a reputation is tarnished, when it appears clearly who the victim is. I don’t understand what the extracurricular activities have to do with this sister supposedly hanging herself with a trash bag. I mean I can’t get my trash bags not to rip on the way to the garbage can, let alone believe that there is one strong enough for a woman to hang herself. So many questions.
Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
… and the “truth” starts to unfold!
#SayHerName ….
Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
… and the “truth” starts to unfold!
#SayHerName ….
How is it that the public has figured it out already? Call me in and I’ll break the case down for free. It clearly doesn’t take a drawn out investigation or “detectives” to prove she was murdered. I highly doubt they’ll be investigating anything more than how to make her look like less and less of a victim and more like the crazy angry Black lady with an attitude.
Like JMDLEFLORE said, what kind of trash liner is in a jail cell that’s that strong? And I heard she was six feet, same height as the ceiling she supposedly hanged herself from!
If it doesn’t make sense, it’s usually a lie. Once again, I call BS.
How is it that the public has figured it out already? Call me in and I’ll break the case down for free. It clearly doesn’t take a drawn out investigation or “detectives” to prove she was murdered. I highly doubt they’ll be investigating anything more than how to make her look like less and less of a victim and more like the crazy angry Black lady with an attitude.
Like JMDLEFLORE said, what kind of trash liner is in a jail cell that’s that strong? And I heard she was six feet, same height as the ceiling she supposedly hanged herself from!
If it doesn’t make sense, it’s usually a lie. Once again, I call BS.
[…] Video cameras have recorded many of the episodes and nonlethal encounters like the arrest of Sandra Bland, who died three days later in a Texas jail cell, offering disturbing evidence of the confrontations […]
[…] Video cameras have recorded many of the episodes and nonlethal encounters like the arrest of Sandra Bland, who died three days later in a Texas jail cell, offering disturbing evidence of the confrontations […]
[…] — The family of Sandra Bland, the Illinois woman found dead in a Texas jail cell last month, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Houston seeking to hold people involved in her death accountable. […]
[…] — The family of Sandra Bland, the Illinois woman found dead in a Texas jail cell last month, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Houston seeking to hold people involved in her death accountable. […]