Everyone’s favorite Little League pitcher, Mo’ne Davis, landed a deal with Harper Collins Children’s Books and will release Mo’ne Davis: Remember My Name on March 17, 2015. In August, Davis became the first girl ever to pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series.
The 13-year-old from Philadelphia went on to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated, star in a Chevy commercial, and donate her jersey to the Baseball Hall of Fame to commemorate the historic achievement.
On the book, Davis said, “I hope it encourages people to take a chance and play the sports they want to play and not just the ones people expect them to play.” Below is an early peak at the cover and jacket copy via harpercollins.com:

An inspiring story of a courageous young girl who learned to play ball with the boys, only to outshine them on the national stage in the most watched Little League World Series of game of all time. Mo’ne Davis’s story is one that will encourage readers to reach for their dreams no matter the odds, young girls to play ball with anyone, and add a new chapter to the rich history of women in baseball.
article by Lori Lakin Hutcherson (follow @lakinhutcherson)
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[…] Davis caught the world’s attention this summer, when she became the first girl in history to throw a shutout during a Little League World Series. She has since graced the cover of Sports Illustrated, donated her jersey to the Baseball Hall of Fame, landed a commercial shot by famed director Spike Lee, and plans to release a memoir in 2015. […]
[…] She threw whiffle balls to Jimmy Fallon on NBC’s Tonight Show, threw out the first pitch at Game 4 of the World Series and signed a book deal. […]
[…] and the first Little League player to make the cover of Sports Illustrated, she also has a book deal and a new sneaker line. Davis is now opening up about her journey to achieving it all in a […]