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The Tempo, an Activity Tracker for Seniors, Lets You Know When Something's Wrong

CarePredict is building a smartwatch that’s designed to monitor the elderly while maintaining their independence. The Tempo is a wrist-worn sensor that keeps an eye on someone’s activity patterns, and should it spot an anomaly, raise the alarm. It works by mapping out a general schedule of the day, and observing changes like an unusual mid-day nap or if someone has remained still in one room for too long. It’ll even observe trends over a much longer period of time, so if someone’s walking pace slows over a couple of weeks, you’ll be able to see it and address any underlying issues.
The hardware comes in four parts: along with the watch, you’ll need a wireless charging plate, room beacons to help the Tempo orient itself and a wall-mounted communications hub. It’s from the latter of that group that the data will be pushed to the cloud, enabling families and others to keep an eye on their parents while at work or on holiday. Unfortunately, the product isn’t yet ready for prime time, so like so many things nowadays, has taken to crowdfunding to raise enough cash to finish the job. This time out, you’ll have to throw upwards of $170 towards Fundable if you want one of the first units, with four room beacons and three months of free monitoring.

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