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Natural Girls United! Customizes Dolls With Natural Hair Styles


Who needs a Barbie when you can get a customized doll with your favorite natural hair style? Karen Byrd started the The Natural Girls United! project to showcase the positive view of ethnic beauty.

From Karen Byrd’s bio:

There have been quite a few studies done that show that African-American boys and girls often think of black dolls as bad and white dolls as good.  Of course, this is not something that the parent is teaching their child. So why are they getting these mixed messages about good and bad skin color, or good and bad hair?  It all has to do with the images they see as they grow up. If a child is constantly looking at images, dolls, television, books and magazines – and only seeing beauty as something or someone with non-ethnic features and long, straight hair – then they are going to assume that this is what beauty is. It is something that has hurt our young people for centuries.  


The Natural Girls United! come in a variety of styles. There’s dolls in dreadlocks, kinky twists, as well as short-cropped afros. Not to be left out, there’s even a male doll with dreadlocks. The prices range from $45.00-$140.00. For more information on the dolls, check out the site or follow Natural Girls United on Twitter and Natural Girls United on Facebook.

article by Yesha Callahan via


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  1. Allen Allen October 4, 2013

    Wow! I am 55 yrs young male. I lived to see this day. I did the black and white dolls test recently with my young siblings ages 8-12 and they all pick the white dolls as being exceptional in 2013. I know that this is going to be a great blessing to our community. God bless you and your endeavors.

  2. hodgepodge4thesoul hodgepodge4thesoul October 4, 2013

    Great concept, but the pricing is OUTRAGEOUS! The dolls should be accessible to everyone who would want one, and not just those in a certain “bracket.”

    • mzdrea mzdrea October 4, 2013

      i was just commenting on that. this is why any thing that is geared toward African american culture fails, it is over priced and most of us can’t afford such for our children so we buy the cheaper “white” dolls… so sad.

      • hodgepodge4thesoul hodgepodge4thesoul October 4, 2013

        It is indeed sad. My children are multiracial, and , although they are quite grown, I do remember paying more for the dolls that most represented who they are. It’s not fair. If something like this is going to work. And if the company really wants to make a difference, then it needs to be better priced. Unless, it’s all just a “good idea to make money.” Which would be extremely sad. 🙁

      • Allen Allen October 4, 2013

        Get a grip people black business fail because of negative comments. The average price of a Barbie doll is $39-$89. What about the price for the American Girl dolls.The key word here is CUSTOMS made. Our kids are always worth it………….

  3. mzdrea mzdrea October 4, 2013

    i really love the concept but as a parent i noticed any time i buy a african american centered any thing it is very expensive…. WHY?

  4. nrTHEbyrom nrTHEbyrom October 4, 2013

    Reblogged this on the byrom chronicles and commented:
    i love this idea. i’m excited about supporting and buying the little (and not so little) girls i know a doll for holidays and birthdays and anyday!

  5. Julia Camp Julia Camp October 20, 2013

    I do not know what Barbiedolls you are buying but I can buy them for 5.99& up. These are just to expensive!!!!That is the problem with black people they want out price the merchandise I do not care if they are custome made!!!! It just is not fair,a great idea WRONG PRICE!!!!!

  6. Mavadelo Mavadelo April 14, 2014

    Just a heads up, the url to their website in your post is not redirecting properly, it is actually redirecting to which for obvious reasons gives an oniste 404.. Since I am A: Dutch and B:Caucasian I have no idea if products that are targeted towards “non whites” (African American but I guess also counting for Asian and Arabic people) are indeed more expensive but I think “special interest” groups as the industry seems to call it are always paying more then “regular”customers. Same goes for (in my case) biological produce that although is grown without crap seems to have a need to cost like they added gold to it.
    Interesting blog you got here, following 🙂

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